2转10 绿卡 材料cover letter分享

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 Copies of ultrasound photos showing she is currently pregnant; due date is xxx x
 Most recent OB visit summary confirming my wife’s pregnancy x
 Two sworn affidavits by family member and a friend, attesting to our relationship and marriage
 Copy of our marriage certificate x
 Copy of joint home mortgage contract and loan statement
 Copies of IRS tax transcripts showing joint tax returns of 2015 and 2016 x
 Copies of 2015 and 2016 W-2s sent to same addresses x
 Copy of joint car loan and bill of sale x
 Documents showing joint car ownership ( xx Motor Vehicle Receipt, xx title, xx registration, xx Title application)
 Copies of our apartment rental agreements with joint occupancy since 2015
 Documents showing joint medical, dental, vision, auto, renters and homeowners insurance policies
 HSA account activity showing my wife paying our medical bills through her HSA
 Documents showing Life, Pension plans, 401(k) policies and IRAs listing each other as primary beneficiary
 Documents showing my wife applying life insurance for me through her work
 Copies of benefit affidavits showing my wife adding me to her insurance plans
 Benefit elections showing my wife including me in her insurance plans and having me as primary beneficiary of her work benefits
 Documents showing joint bank account and transaction history
 Email from xxx confirming joint investment account x
 Account activity showing deposit made to xxx from joint saving account
 Verizon bills showing me and my wife on the same family plan
 Verizon bills showing my wife is on the same plan with me, my mom, my step dad, my brother and my grandmother
 Utility bills sent to our address
 Travel Itineraries showing numerous trips taken together
 Copies of wedding bands purchase receipts
 Photographs together and with family and friends between 2014 and present

应该算全了 没有rfe 15个月 vsc
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