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我是STEM OPT第一年抽,OPT expiration是2020年,COS change of status。今天等来等去忍不住了,给DSO发了邮件,我问题原句是请她查current SEVIS status,她回复了以下内容:

Thank you for your email.

Unfortunately, there has been no change to your information in SEVIS, as it relates to a pending petition with USCIS.

Please note that the information in SEVIS is not always accurate and that you should continue to correspond with your employer and USCIS regarding any filed or pending petitions.

For more information, including contact information for USCIS, please review the information provided by the Department of Homeland Security's Study in the States site here: studyinthestates.dhs.gov

本来一眼看到unfortunately以为就是还没有迹象抽中,朋友提醒我说“as it relates to a pending petition with USCIS”可能是说已经有个pending petition了,然后advisor是指因为还在pending所以SEVIS状态没有变。看了下她下面附上的链接,是有receipt number了去查是否approve,我感觉她没理解我只是想问有没有receipt number...想看下大家的理解,学校的回复是在泛泛而谈还是在说我的情况呢?抽中了才会有pending petition吗?请问抽中的同学,COS的pending是一个单独的petition在 SEVIS comment里吗?

谢谢大家...琢磨来琢磨去想不通,直接打电话,结果学校那边好像在开会啥的说not available,邮件也不回,发帖来缓解一下焦虑...希望能真的抽中吧,也祝大家愿望达成

补充内容 (2019-5-14 22:52):
今天收到了老板转发的律所邮件,5/6 notice date~