美国南伊利诺伊大学(SIUC)ECE系 19 FALL 招收全奖博士/硕士一名

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各位同学,发布一个招生广告. 2019 Fall 申请还没有着落的可以考虑一下。因为学校申请没有deadline,现在申请2019Fall也来得及。博士硕士都在考虑范围内。

Potential research areas include:
1) AI for network
2) Datacenter/cloud networks (network for AI)
3) connected vehicle networks

Students with background on networks or major on CS and ECE are encouraged to apply. Interested students please send full resume to Dr. Chen at 1point3acres.com or visit the introduction webpage: engr.siu.edu

Students interested in research but without exceptional GRE&TOEFL scores are also considered. Please contact Dr. Chen for details
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