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正有朋友问起有关voice call的事情,我收到一封邮件,以为是有关voice call的,没当回事,再细细一看发现是ad

[align="left"]We are pleased to inform you that youhave been recommended for admission to Columbia University's M.S. program inElectrical Engineering.[/align]
[align="left"]You have every reason to be proud ofthis accomplishment. The admissions process was very competitive; you were selectedamongst the most talented individuals from prestigious institutions all overthe world.[/align]
[align="left"]The Office of Graduate Student Affairs(GSA) is in the process of verifying your required application documents forofficial admission. This process can take around two weeks. When completed, youcan expect an official admission letter to be sent to you electronically,unless due to special circumstances postal mail is necessary. If you have notdone so already, please mail all official transcripts and degree certificatesto GSA. In addition, send official test scores from ETS (ets.org) to institution code 2111. If thesematerials are not received your admission will be provisional until resolved.[/align]
[align="left"]Please note that there is a short timedelay between your receipt of this email and the processing of your admissionacceptance by GSA. Given the high number of applications that we receive, werequest that you kindly be patient and wait for notification before contactingthe Electrical Engineering Department or the GSA office. To inquire about thestatus of your admission you may send an email to 1point3acres.com. However,rest assured that your application will be processed as quickly as possible.[/align]
[align="left"]貌似我出的比较早,大家再等等,bless all~[/align]