在OPT Extension的Gap间怎么更新驾照

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我今天去MDV拿着OPT extension receipt更新驾照,竟然不行,他们貌似提交了一个180天extension的case给USCIS, 我要等到USCIS更新后才能办理。可是下周驾照就过期了,急求怎么办。

情况是这样的,楼主4月份申请的OPT Extension, 手里有receipt,EAD卡6月中旬就要过期了,按照规定有180天的automatic extension来cover工作(貌似只有工作)
  • STEM OPT applicants can continue working for up to 180 days beyond their standard OPT EAD expiration date while their STEM OPT I-765 is pending, provided any employment during that 180-day period complies with all conditions for STEM OPT, including the requirements that it be for pay, with an employer enrolled in E-Verify, pursuant to a valid I-983 Training Plan, and all other STEM OPT requirements are met. The STEM OPT 180-day period is based on separate authority at 8 CFR 274a.12(b)(6)(iv), and continues unchanged by this new rule.

  • The eligibility category is listed on uscis.gov as eligible for EAD automatic extensions. As of the date of publication,eligibility categories codes for a 180-day automatic extension are A03, A05, A07, A08, A10, C08, C09, C10, C16, C20, C22, C24, C31 and A12 or C19.
  • uscis.gov不含正常的C03