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I already have a master's degree in China. Why do I go to the United States to study one?

My master's degree in China is an on-the-job master's degree, which is very informal. There are only degree certificates and no diploma certificates. Normally, two certificates are required for a normal master's degree. It is a part-time study, we only went to study in summer vacation and winter vacation to take two weeks to concentrate on class. Teachers are not strict. I didn't learn enough knowledge. In addition, this degree is not acknowledged in the job market. It is for those who already have a stable job to seek a title or promotion. For example, if our school wants to be an associate professor, it needs a master's degree. Of course, different masters have different values, but this is a threshold. Master of Education in the United States is the most valuable and helpful in professional advancement. I believe by pursuing a master degree in the US can far better count than the on-the-job degree.

my three-year working experience is more conducive to my study in the United States because I already know many problems in Chinese education so that I can study more targeted and purposeful.

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