CPT RFE 材料清单

今天楼主收到律师邮件 要求材料如下 分享给大家,只有一条rfe就是cpt maintain of status的

The Request for Evidence states that you are enrolled in a master’s program at Maryville University and seeks additional documentation to establish that you maintained valid F-1 status at the time of filing this petition. To demonstrate you have maintained a full course of study, the RFE suggests the below evidence (if any).
(1) Copies of the transcripts issued by the university;
(2) Copies of certificates issued;
(3) Receipts for tuition payment;
(4) Receipts for books;
(5) Copy of your student ID;
(6) Copy of course syllabi or outlines;
(7) Evidence showing the number of online or distance education class credits you are enrolled in for each term.
(8) Evidence to show you are making progress towards completion of the program.
(9) Any other evidence to show you are enrolled in a full course of study and working towards the completion of the program.

In addition, the RFE states that you are participating in CPT. As such, it requests the below evidence (if any).
(1) The name of the course and course code in which you were enrolled in that required CPT;
(2) Evidence that participation in CPT was required for the program;
(3) Evidence establishing your current major and that CPT is an integral part of your program;
(4) A letter from your CPT employer(s), explaining your job duties, pay, and period of employment;
(5) Evidence of cooperative agreements between your CPT employer and the university;
(6) Evidence that the CPT is directly related to your major;

(8) Evidence to show you are making progress towards completion of the program. 这个怎么证明啊。。
(5) Evidence of cooperative agreements between your CPT employer and the university;
(6) Evidence that the CPT is directly related to your major;
当时cpt开始前只有学校和自己签字的cpt request form没有雇主的签字那个表格上。。请问难道现在还要专门开一封这样的信件么;然后第六条cpt和专业相关可以用什么材料证明呀

补充内容 (2019-10-14 23:03):
10.11更新 之后楼主change of status失败,但是顺利面签完回美国了~
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