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我在5月3号收到了offer,I-752的received date是5月3号,最初约定的入职时间是7/1并且告诉了HM具体时间取决于OPT approve时间,她说没问题只要确定来本公司上班,而不是shop around,他们觉得可以接受。

『I wanted to give you an updated on my visa application. I submitted my OPT application last month and it looks like USCIS received the application on May 3rd. There was a note in the application that said it would take 3 - 5 months to process, which is much longer than I had expected. It seems like a July 1st start date won't be possible. I am sorry for the miscalculation on my part. It seems like the best case scenario is that I'll be able to start in early August and worst case in early October. Do you have any concerns about this new timeline? I am very committed to working at XXX(公司) and will continue to monitor my application closely for any updates. Also please let me know if you have additional guidance on OPT application.』

『We would like you to start as soon as you can. I know it says 3-5 months, but most of the employees who came onboard at XXX(公司) they got their opt visa sooner than that. Should I put in touch with someone who recently got their opt at XXX(公司)? Perhaps you can speak with them to see what they did to get their opt on time. Looking forward to working with you soon. 』

我回复说好,但是她并没有follow up。

在6月27日,确认delay到8/1,HM问了我什么时候能拿到EAD,我回答了『I should get it by August 2nd. I’m planning to expedite my case by speaking to a congressman.』

在6月30号,我再次发邮件给manager和HM,表示需要公司supporting letter去OPT expedite request,manager全程没有回复我的邮件。HM表示不能提供financial loss to the company如果我不能按时入职(这个我是理解的,毕竟没有什么公司会想承认自己financial loss),并且回复了
『We might have to revoke the offer letter if you are not able to start in Aug. We can always revisit you once you have the authorization to work in the US. Please keep us posted with your progress. 』

我用HM的这封邮件像本州的senator加急,caseworker很上心第二天就提交了request,但是最终USCIS还是拒绝了我的request, 理由相信和大家被拒的理由的类似,就是F1学生不应该有financial hardship。

我一方面有在找别的工作,另一方面还是想挽回我的工作,因为我真的还挺喜欢这个公司和我的组包括我的manager。我不知道我该如何再次和他们沟通,希望地里的小伙伴可以帮帮忙出出主意。要不我约manager出来喝咖啡,聊聊我的处境,恳求他能再等等我?他之前打算7月中和我出来聊聊工作,bring me up to speed。

1)opttimeline.com 最常用的就是这个了,可以看每天处理了多少个case,寄出了多少个case,可以看出最近USCIS有在加速了
2)trackitt.com 是一个tracker,大家可以讨论自己的case
3)lawfully 是一个APP,添加自己的Receipt Number,可以估计uscis什么时候处理你的case。我的预计是7/31-8/30。

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