【CS Phd Positions】@加州圣克拉拉大学CSE Department

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Two Ph.D. positions with full financial support and multiple part-time Ph.D positions are now available in Dr. Li’s group in the Computer Science and Engineering Department at Santa Clara University (SCU). She is looking for self-motivated PhD students to work on Cybersecurity, Data science, Network analysis and Algorithms, using Machine learning, Deep learning and Optimization techniques with applications in online social networks, power networks, wireless networks and bioinformatics. Visiting scholars/students and post docs are also welcome. If interested to join her group, please contact her at 1point3acres.com.

- M.S. degree in Computer Science/Engineering, Mathematics or related majors
- Experience in at least one object-oriented programming language
- Strong math background preferred
- Proficiency in English reading and writing (through GRE and TOEFL/IELTS scores)
- Most importantly, passionate about research and solving challenging problems

Admission requirements can be found at scu.edu


圣塔克拉拉大学(Santa Clara University),是美国的一所著名的非盈利私立天主教学校,坐落于美国加利福尼亚州硅谷(Silicon Valley)的心脏地带。建立于1851年的圣塔克拉拉大学是在加利福尼亚州最老的一所高校,在美西地区有着极高的学术声誉。福布斯2017年全美大学(包括综合性大学和文理学院等不同类型大学)排名第64名。 PayScale 2018全美大学薪资调查显示,圣塔克拉拉大学毕业生薪资排名全美第13名。计算机工程专业U.S News 2019 排名107。世界500强到小型初创公司,数百个公司把总部建在硅谷,包括苹果、英特尔、网飞、易趣、谷歌等,就业情况很好。

补充内容 (2019-7-15 02:11):
Please email your CV and a research statement (max. 2 pages) to Prof. Li. We have rolling admissions policies, so apply as early as possible.
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