在匈牙利 H-1B 首签的经历分享

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楼主今年抽中H-1b, NON-PP在6月底case approved了。 墨迹到8月着手准备面签的事儿。因为在欧洲工作的原因,回国面签不方便又累,也不想用自己的假期去搞签证。所以就准备了在欧洲做首签的打算。

先前查了大量的case看有没有跟我一样首签在第三方国家的,看见的case都是纠结了一段时间之后回国签证了的。再加上律师‘highly advise’首签一定要在国籍所在国(中国) 楼主当时已经做好被VO各种为难的准备了。

我先是email了大使馆,说明了我的情况,问他们能不能接受我的case。 email回复比较官方,里面有一条写的‘demonstrate strong tie within EU and Hungary’所以我在工作证明方面做了大量的材料准备。
- EU Resident Permit 证明我是欧盟合法长期居民
- Employment Offer Letter 证明我在欧洲有工作
- Employment Verification Letter with Detailed Job Description 原因同上
- HR Contact 原因同上
- 6 months of paystubs 原因同上
- Remaining unused holiday balance 这一条去证明我没有很多假期余额去有充裕的时间回国等签证
- Housing Contact and Address Card 证明我住匈牙利


大概排了20多分钟,被叫到第一个窗口交材料。只问我要了DS-160, I-797 Approval Notice,新旧两本护照。这里我问了一下Approval Notice他们要原件还是复印件,VO回了一句‘whatever makes you happy' 我交了复印件。然后看了我的护照说了一句because you are Chinese, your visa stamp will only be valid for one year not three years listed on your petition. Because your country only gives us one year too. 我点了点头acknowledged了。然后VO给我发了一个号码牌,叫我等着去按指纹。第一个窗口结束。

又等了20多分钟,被叫到第二个窗口按指纹。按指纹的VO叫我的时候用特别标准的中文叫了我的名字。我特惊讶地说了一句that's probably the most accurate pronunciation I've ever heard coming from a non-native speaker. 他特傲娇的跟我聊了几句。然后要我去第三个窗口等Interview.

这里等了一个多小时才轮到我。就只有一个VO面签那天所有的人。我前面几个签F和L的被问了不少问题,有个人被灵魂拷问了十多分钟我就觉得他要悲剧了,但是后来还是过了。轮到我的时候,我走进看他额头上都是汗。就说了一句 busy morning Huh?谈看了看我就笑出来了 yea non-stop ... I'm exhuasted. 然后开始看我的材料,问问题:

VO:What are you doing in Hungary?
我: I work here at XXXX. Would you like to see my job verification?
VO:No need, I believe you.
VO:I see on your petition you are going to Canada? (我的律师事务所在加拿大) why are you coming to the U.S. Embassy?
我:我懵逼了一下。。。说了一句 that's my lawyers.....还没说完就被VO的笑打断
VO:hahaha I'm joking with you. Just trying to lighten up the mood. I'm having a long morning.
VO:So where are you going in the U.S.?
我: XXX(公司地点)back to the same office I used to work.
VO:I see on your record that you have spent quite a long time in the U.S.
我: Yes, high school, college, then worked fulltime for a year under OPT.
VO: You just can't get enough of us huh?
我又露出了尴尬又不失礼貌的笑。。 回了一句well... with school work, I have to make sure I put in the time to graduate right?
VO:that's true that's true. Ok your visa is approved. You will get an email from us within the next 3-5 business days. I wish you best of luck in the U.S.

把我的旧护照和797复印件还给我了,全程没有问我要任何additional资料。 第二天我就收到Passport is ready for delivery 第三天我就拿到护照了。特别光速,而且VO的逗比性质让我这段经历开心很多。

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