
美国新墨西哥州立大学电子与计算机工程系Assistant Professor Dr. Wenjie Che招收RA/TA全奖博士生,入学时间2020年春季。具体研究方向为:FPGA/So;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;C软硬件协同设计,机器学习建模,硬件与嵌入式系统安全与可;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;信,嵌入式系统,安全与密码学,超大规模集成电路测试等。本实验室研究方向为学术界及工业界就业热门方向。被录用的同学会得到导师在科研和动手能力方面日常的手把手指导,获得长足进步。

1. FPGA(VHDL/Verilog)或嵌入式系统开发(SoC, C等);
2. 有较强的编程能力,如C, C++, python 或perl 等;
3. 熟悉FPGA或大规模集成电路(VLSI)相关开发流程及工具;
4. 机器学习与建模;
5. 熟悉嵌入式系统,对微处理器系统、计算机操作系统及体系结构有较深理解,;
6. 安全、认证、隐私或密码学相关背景;
7. 电子或计算机专业基础知识扎实;
8. 对科研感兴趣,有较强自我驱动力和学习能力。

欢迎电子或计算机专业基础知识扎实或擅长一至两项以上背景方向的同学申请。请感兴趣的同学将简历、成绩单等发送至 Dr. Wenjie Che 邮箱1point3acres.com. 更多关于导师Dr. Wenjie Che及研究方向相关信息请访问:wordpress.nmsu.edu


The research lab directed by Assistant Professor Dr. Wenjie Che at Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at New Mexico State University has opening positions for Ph.D students with RA/TA financial support. The major research areas include:
(1) FPGA/SoC hardware and software co-design;
(2) Hardware and embedded system security and trust;
(3) Model-building using machine-learning algorithms for security problems;
(4) Authentication, privacy and cryptography protocols;
(5) VLSI/FPGA design and testing;

Students will work closely with Dr. Wenjie Che on research projects in the above mentioned areas. Backgrounds in one or more of the following aspects are especially encouraged to apply:
(1) FPGA/SoC background (familiar with VHDL/Verilog, C) or embedded systems;
(2) Efficient in one or two programming languages, e.g., c, c++, python, perl and so on;
(3) Familiar with FPGA/VLSI design flow and tools;
(4) Background in security or cryptography is a big plus;
(5) A good understanding of operating systems and embedded system;
(6) Interested in doing research, reliable and self-motivated;

Students who are interested are welcome to apply by sending your CV and transcripts to Dr. Wenjie Che at 1point3acres.com. For more research related information, please visit Dr. Wenjie Che's homepage at: wordpress.nmsu.edu
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