报个Meng的录取同时贴一下BU 的ECE系主任的回信

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想很多申他家EE科学硕士的人一样,被转换到MEng项目。 我一开始不甘心,觉得MEng就如同拒信一般,然后我就写信给各种人,argue这件事情。一方面,我手头Rej太多,要抓紧这次机会,另外一方面,也抱着死猪不怕开水烫的心,就去argue了。aruge的内容就是,尼玛我求你别因为GPA低你就把我往MEng放啊,我做了啥啥啥,我对科学满腔热血啊,你给我个不能读博士的MEng,我觉得很难办。
然后得到了系主任的如下,回信。估计是改了改的模板回复。但是读下来也基本了解了MEng和Master of Science之间的关系,和转换方式
此外,再跪求直接拿到BU ECE MS硕士录取的人报一下背景,让我了解下 录取信中“most applicants”之外的那一群人。


Dear Mr. 某某某,
Our department policy is to have delayed admission to the MS program, as should have been explained in your admission letter. Unfortunately, this is sent by the College of Engineering, so I am uncertain as to the exact language used.

In our department, we would prefer that any MS candidates demonstrate their ability to do research in our program before being allowed to enter into the MS. This requires doing well in their graduate courses in the first semester, and identifying a suitable research mentor and a research topic, and writing a research proposal in their second semester. At that time, the switch to the MS is made. This policy was adopted after careful consideration where a significant number of our students in the MS program were unable to find mentors and topics of sufficient depth and importance. Students who are not interested in the detailed research experience can continue in the MEng program, an equally rigorous academic program.

Given the strong background in optics that you bring, I have no doubt that you will be able to find a suitable topic and research mentor for an MS and that your academic course performance is Once you have this, you will be able to switch to the MS program. This is explained in our web site, at bu.edu

I hope this clarifies your admission letter.


