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Thank you so much for this inquiry. It makes be very excited and then very sad. Excited because of 【blablabla省略】It is a fantastic topic and I would love to work with you. But, I have not been accepting graduate students, because I am not sure our department is doing well, financially and otherwise. I don’t believe in building a queendom when a student can do better elsewhere.

If I were you, I would look for a private university, all of which, other than small undergraduate colleges, are incredibly more wealthy and their departments are ranked higher than ours. As you know, it is important to have a prestigious Ph.D.

Last year I had a graduate student from 【国内知名】 University for a year with the 【很好的奖学金项目】. He was an excellent scholar as well as a delightful person. You might consider spending a year at our university but look for another university for your Ph.D. program while you are here.

In your case, you can apply to anthropology as well as to political science and history, right?

If you would like to discuss the matter, please do not hesitate.



补充内容 (2019-10-25 14:16):
并且万一项目太贵 我被吓劝退 之前的信誓旦旦就太丢脸了。。。
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