10th 疑似AD CS28@USC,20年spring被调剂到summer?

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收到一封邮件,不确定是录到summer,还是说要再被挑选(youSC上还是没任何更新)。不知道USC的CS summer如何?有知道的小伙伴吗?

顺带吐槽一下,USC今年的CS28 spring项目,除了fall调剂过来的,到目前为止一个AD的汇报都没有,在fall的时候就把spring的额度用完了?截至日期那么早,让人一直苦等,没礼貌。

Thank you for your application for MS Computer Science in USC Viterbi School of Engineering. Unfortunately, we are not able to offer you a place for our Spring 2020 term.

We are however pleased to recommend you for admission to MS Computer Science for our Summer 2020 term. We are therefore currently updating your application to Summer 2020. Once this process has been completed we will contact you with further information on the Summer 2020 term and the next steps you will need to take. You should expect to receive a further email from us by Friday, November 22, 2019.