二硕 CS Duplicate Degree 问题(Email 询问 UC 的学校中)

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如果有了 CS 或者相关专业(如EE等)的 MS,申请美国二硕有些学校会有 Duplicate Degree 的问题,总结一下,回馈地里。

首先 Stanford 明确说不收,UIUC CS PMP 说明了不收(email 问询中),UC 系统里 UCB,UCLA,UCSD 提到不收,询问了 UCSD,回复如下:

Thank you for your interest in the M.S. in Computer Science & Engineering program at UC San Diego!

Normally, UCSD does not permit the duplication of advanced academic degrees (MS, MA, PhD, etc.). Holders of an advanced degree in one field may be considered for admission into a master's degree program in another field. This decision is ultimately made at the discretion of the CSE admissions committee and the UCSD Graduate Faculty Council/Academic Senate within the Graduate Division. Here is a link with more information on the university Duplication of Degree policy: grad.ucsd.edu

Holders of an advanced degree in a different field may submit an application. The application for Fall 2020 is available here: grad.ucsd.edu Please submit all materials as outlined in the Application Checklist.

**Students that have earned an advanced degree in CS, CE, or a similar field, please note the duplicate degree policies above will be applied in the event an applicant submits an application.

“This decision is ultimately made at the discretion of the CSE admissions committee”,就是可以先申着。

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