12/04/2019 多伦多H1B首签水过

第三国travel选的no,门口排队检查文件的staff说要准备好passport,DS-160和proof of legal status in Canada并且问了current status in Canada,表示是visitor,看了护照上的visa点了点头没有继续追问。

没有要我的resume,但要了EVL,company profile,LCA和I-129等等。

- Do you live in Canada? (No) So you’re just visiting? (Yes) And you’re going back to the US after this? (Yes) Where are you going back to in the US?
- Company, what business/service, position, job responsibilities, salary
- Highest education and degree name, what did you learn from the program
- 打字+沉默1分钟后忽然问 Have you ever been out of status in the US? (No) So you’ve been working on OPT till your status was changed? (Yes) 不知为何问这个
- 沉默3分钟后 Your visa has been approved and you will be able to pick up your passport in 3-5 business days

1. 多伦多领事馆内有照相的机器,但是过于傻瓜,要10CAD,照出来基本都是歪的,虽然画质还行
2. Simcoe St往Dundas St/St Patrick站方向走三四分钟,路口转角处,有一家韩国人开的可以存包+照相的convenience store(地址是438 University Ave,名字就叫Convenience Locker Storage Passport Photo),小包5CAD,大包好像10CAD,而且他们会告诉你什么能带什么要存,非常nice
3. 时间不用掐的很死,但是最好还是不要迟到,但也不用到太早,不然在外面不让进还挺冷的
4. 遇到的所有staff都非常友好


补充内容 (2019-12-13 03:41):
12/9 11AM ds-160变成issued
12/10 11AM收到csra和canada post的shipping notice 走的是next day的Xpresspost
12/11 9:30AM canada post告诉我可以pick up了(我在100 King W取的,最方便的id是美国驾照)
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