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Paragraph 3
These early efforts in the Edison lab were not directed at projecting movies to large crowds. Still influenced by the success of his phonograph, Edison thought a similar device could make a money by showing brief films to one person at a time for a penny a look. Edison built a special studio to produce films for his new invention, and by 1894, Kinetoscope parlors were spring up in major cities. The long-range commercial potential of his invention was lost on Edison. He reasoned that the real money would be made by selling his peep-show machine. If a large number of people were shown the film at the same time, fewer machines would be needed. Developments in Europe proved Edison wrong as inventors there devised large-screen projection devices. Faced with competition, Edison perfected the Vitascope and unveiled it in New York City in 1896.

9. According to paragraph 3, what were Kinetoscope parlors?
A. Places where people could pay a penny to view a short film by looking into a machine
B. Places where people could gather in crowds to watch short films projected onto large screens
C. Special studios where Edison produced films that would be shown by his newly invented machine
D. Places where Edison sold his phonographs, peep-show machines, and other popular inventions

01 重要词汇

Kinetoscope [ki'netəskəup, -'ni:-] n. 活动电影放映机
parlor [‘pɑrlɚ]n. 客厅;会客室;业务室
spring up 兴起,涌现

02 审题&定位
According to paragraph 3, what were Kinetoscope parlors?

首先,要清楚题干就是问K p是个什么东东。所以,必须要在原文找到解释K p是神马之类的内容,不能只看原词就原地打转了。
然后,我们先来读一下原词所在的句子。“Edison built a special studio to produce films for his new invention, and by 1894, Kinetoscope parlors were spring up in major cities.” 这句K p后面说的是spring up,也就是到这个时候已经兴起/涌现在各大城市了,并没有介绍K p是个啥。同样,本句出现了and,那看看前半句,说的是爱迪生建立一个特殊的工作室来制作电影。依旧,毫无所获。
1⃣️托福阅读中的段落结构一般是总分(总),按照这个思路的话,K p的介绍应该在段落开头,介绍完之后顺其自然地说到这个活动电影播放室的兴起。所以,答案句要前读。【推荐】
2⃣️另一种方式就是从定位句开始顺势后读,跳读后面句子主干,发现就不讲K p了,相当于用排除法反推出答案句在前面(但读得慢或理解慢的话就比较浪费时间)。

03 同义改写
Still influenced by the success of his phonograph, Edison thought a similar device could make a money by showing brief films to one person at a time for a penny a look.
a similar device 指什么?就是与phonograph (留声机-播放音乐)相似的设备,其实就是K p。

Edison thought a similar device could make a money by showing brief films to one person at a time for a penny a look.
A. Places where people could pay a penny to view a short film by looking into a machine
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