GRE V163自己整理的近义词和易混表 求一点大米

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list 上部分是同义词,下部份是类似拼写词


Erratic变化无常:capricious, unpredictable, fickle, mercurial

* abide by, comply with, conform to the crowd

* Aloof漠不关心, offish, distant, austere, reserve
* Babbling, garrulous, prolix, verbose, voluble, loquacious, garrulous
* <->taciturn 沉默寡言的, reticent沉默寡言, *Diffident 羞怯 | irresolute 优柔寡断

avaricious贪婪: avarice (n.) Acquisitive(对财物)渴望得到, rapacious掠夺的, mercenary图利的/雇佣, covetous鄙吝, Cupidity 貪心 cupidinous, Venal 貪污的 (n.) Venality

accentuate 强调, 重读 highlight, underline, feature

acrimony 激烈的;尖刻, bitterness, rancour, enmity, malice

antithetical对立: opposing, converse

antiquated 陳舊過時, outmoded, archaic古老, superannuated, anachronistic時代錯誤 ,obsolete, antediluvian

Arrogate擅取(Above all, we did not vote to see our Parliament arrogate to itself even more powers, merely to be able to ignore or otherwise subvert the clear), pilfer 霸占 (Sanders’s plans to pilfer savings would hurt investment with little benefit.)

Approbate 批准认可, approve formally; sanction.

banter 无恶意的玩笑, raillery (善意的)戏谑

Bolster加強 (Fall in interest rate has started to bolster confidence.), Strengthen, support, reinforce, buttress, stiffen, uphold, boost, fortify
<-> vitiate 使失效,  corrupt, debase, debauch, degrade, demean, demoralize, deprave, deteriorate, lessen, pervert, poison, subvert颠覆, overturn, dissolve终止, 解散, nullify 废止, repeal, abolish | profane亵渎(v./adj.), secular (adj,) 世俗 | abase貶低自己, 卑躬屈膝,

Burgeoning: expansion, flourishing,
Resurgence: (n.) 再現, 回潮, revival | (v.) resuscitate 复苏, revive, resurrect使起死回生

belie掩饰, mask, fail to give a true impression of (something).contradict, be at odds with, call into question, give the lie to, show/prove to be false; 
disprove, debunk, discredit, explode,"his lively, alert manner belied his years"

Clandestine暗中, surreptitious诡秘, stealth(y), furtive, arcane 神秘的

*Chimeric空想荒誕的, illusory

Contingent (on), dependent,

Conducive 有利的 (and peaceful condition, environment), propitious吉祥(time, event), auspicious,

Compunction 良心不安, misgiving, scruple, hesitation

Connoisseur鉴赏家, epicure美食家 , gourmet

dilettante, layman, dabbler

Confer 协商, 给予

deluge泛滥: (v.) inundate, submerge/ (n.) flood

douse浇灭, extinguish, quench熄灭, terminate

didactic说教, pedagogic

derision 愚弄, ridicule, chaff, mockery
sacrosanct 神圣不可侵犯 <-> derision 嘲弄

divulge 泄露, promulgate 發布, disseminate, disclose, broadcast, proclaim(officially)

purport标榜, claim, profess声称, assert

elicit 引出 (~skepticism), evoke, obtain, engender, provoke, induce, trigger

Egalitarian 平均主義 <> authoritarian, tyrannical, peremptory, despotic, autocratic, authoritarian, autocratical

Decadence墮落, indulgence

* (n.) Exult 歡騰, rejoice, ecstasy, rapture, revelry狂欢, rave ,
* Effusive 热情的, Exuberant旺盛, exhilarated兴奋, ebullient热情洋溢, rambunctious精力过剩(uncontrollably exuberant), boisterous 喧闹(noisy, energetic), gleeful歡樂, buoyant轻快的, jaunty轻松活泼, blithe无忧无虑, jubilant喜庆, light-hearted, vivacious(尤女性)活泼迷人, vigorous蓬勃 | rapturous欣喜若狂, ecstatic狂喜, mirthful愉快, overjoyed, exult 喜形於色

elusive難以捉摸的, 難忘的, evasive迴避的, slippery逃避, shifty
prevarication n. 搪塞;支吾, fabrication
mendacity n. 谎言;虚伪 (people publicly castigated for past mendacity), untruthfulness, deceit

facetious (adj.) 诙谐的;爱开玩笑的;滑稽的;(尤指在不合适的时候)开玩笑的, flippant, whimsical, frivolous愚蠢轻浮, mischievous爱恶作剧的

grueling 使人精疲力尽的, tiring, taxing, laborious , strenuous艰苦

Belabour v, 过多地说明, 攻击, smack, assault

hackneyed 骇人, platitudinous老生常談, overused, vapid單調的, banal, insipid , trite
Platitude老生常談, cliche, banality
meretricious 華而不實, showy, gaudy, garish, flashy, | specious 似是而非

dictum格言, aphorism maxim 箴言=proverb, epigram

heterogenous各種各樣的, assorted, disparate截然不同, dissimilar, sundry

hindsight (n.) understanding of a situation or event only after it has happened or developed. "with hindsight, I should never have gone" 後見之明, reminiscence怀旧, recollection 回忆, reconsideration, reexamination.

Innocuous 無害的, 平淡無味的, Bland 溫和無味, Insipid 枯燥乏味, vapid 乏味無趣, unpalatable | mundane平凡, placid平淡溫和, Prosaic平淡, humdrum | jejune沉闷乏味

insensitivity n. 感觉迟钝;不灵敏性; callous昏迷, 冷酷, indurate无情的

intricate错综复杂, complicated, convoluted, tangled

goad v.招惹激怒 provoke, prick, prod

Livid 暴怒臉色發青, furiously angry, irate

Languish凋谢/憔悴, wither, wilt, shrivel
lassitude疲惫, lethargy, torpor, languor, fatigue,

Mannered矫揉造作, pretentious, ostentatious夸张/表面上的, marked by idiosyncratic mannerism,
Pretext (n) 借口, ostensible表面的 reason, subterfuge伎倆, (v/n) masquerade伪装, dissemble掩盖

Nuanced 细致入微 n.nuance, nicety, subtlety

punctilious一丝不苟, meticulous, conscientious, scrupulous谨慎
assiduous勤勉, sedulous 小心勤奋的

peripatetic 逍遥, itinerant 巡回, nomadic, ambulatory
circuitous 迂回, indirect, serpentine蜿蜒的, 复杂难懂的, tortuous曲折的;转弯抹角的, meandering弯曲/漫谈的
Perambulate 漫步徜徉, promenade, meander 蜿蜒/漫步, stroll, wander, ramble

*Patent 顯著的, obvious, evident, apparent, conspicuous

Plenitude (n.), abundance, profusion, affluence, opulence, wealth, (adj.) sumptuous,

predilection, proclivity (尤指壞的)傾向, propensity, tendency

provenance 起源, origin

Raze 把(城市、建築物等)夷爲平地, destroy, demolish

Relent發慈悲, acquiesce默許

Rectitude正确性, probity, integrity, decency

* Revere尊敬, venerate, exalt頌揚, valorize (give or ascribe value or validity to), worship | adulate谄媚

* deference (v. Defer), extolmentv.讚揚, praise, encomium 赞词, tribute, eulogy, paean, tribute, acclaim, laudation, accolade
* commendable值得称赞的: deserve praise, admirable, laudable, meritorious 值得称赞的 (meretricious 華而不實),

* Ingratiating迎合, obsequious奉承卑躬, smarmy虚情假意, subservient卑躬, pliant能適應, compliant遵從的, amenable守法易控制的, sycophantic 阿谀的, servile

salutary有益, salubrious, lucrative有利可图, remunerative, profitable

specious argument 华而不实 (superficially plausible, but actually wrong), misleading, fallacious

trenchant 尖刻犀利, laconic 简洁简明的, succinct精练, incisive深刻, acute准确尖锐/急性的,
judicious明斷的, sensible, prudent明智的, sagacious, discerning察覺, perceptive, Perspicacious 聪颖, 敏锐的 | shrewd, astute精明, skilful, deft 灵巧机敏的 (A deft volume of literacy), artful
* <-> tactless. adj. 不机智,笨拙的, maladroit, inept, clumsy
* Crafty, cunning, wily, devious 会算计的, guileful. duplicitous兩面派的, | Disingenuous 虛偽不誠實, insincere ( adj.) 不诚实的;虚假的
* Facility with靈巧, dexterity灵巧, finesse, facility, delicacy

Circumspect細心, cautious , wary, discreet, prudent
Sparing保守的, thrifty, frugal, canny, prudent

Truncate, curtail , retrench

Skirted 位于…的边缘, circumvent

surfeit過多, plethora, excess, surplus, overload

vacillation  踌躇(n.) ambivalent , vacillate (be indecisive), equivocal 模棱两可

verisimilar 逼真的.

Vitiate 毁坏 (development programmes have been vitiated by the rise in population), impair


* -allure: attraction(n.) / entice (v.), appeal, glamour,

* -appurtenant 從屬, pertinent相關
* 👏aplomb n. 沉着, 垂直, 泰然自若, poise, calmness, composure沉着, phlegmatic冷静, placid, imperturbable |👎? (n.)phlegm. Apathy, indifference, passivity.
* 👏Benevolent 慈善, gracious, benign, compassionate, obliging, munificent 慷慨的, philanthropic , bountiful 慷慨/丰富

* 👏benevolence, magnanimity (n.) 宽宏大量
* 👎malevolent坏心肠, baleful恶毒的, menacing威胁的, malign, vicious, hostile, inimical 抵触(~activities)/ 敵對的, antagonistic, opposed, Insidious 陰險的
* 👎estrangement疏远, alienation, antagonism對立
* 👏amity和睦, harmony, conviviality, concord, cordiality, rapprochement恢复友好关系,reconciliation, rapport

* 👎deleterious有害的, noxious, detrimental, pernicious恶性的
* 👎Affliction, bane, scourge, menace,

* 👊belligerent好鬥的, pugnacious好鬥的, truculent汹/好鬥易怒, combative, aggressive, defiant挑衅的, 不接受批评的 | contentious 有争议, vehement感情強烈,
* 👎restive 焦躁不安的, fractious 易怒, intractable, querulous 抱怨, petulant 任性脾气暴躁易怒, peevish脾氣壞, bad-tempered, pettish易怒, choleric 易怒, irascible 易怒, irritable, testy, grumpy, cantankerous 抱怨不休, whiny, captious 吹毛求疵
* 👎Stringent严格, draconian, rigorous, exacting, demanding, proscriptive规定的/剝奪人權的,
* 👎Finicky 過分講究, fussy, fastidious 挑剔的,demanding, exacting |👏 punctilious, meticulous, conscientious, scrupulous
* <-> (adj. )Slovenly邋遢的, unkempt

* 👎supercilious 傲慢自大, imperious 专横, peremptory 不容置辩蛮横(~challenges, dismissal), condescending, disdainful 放肆无礼的, contemptuous, scornful 蔑视, snobbish
* 👎brazen 厚颜无耻, impenitent 不知悔悟, remorseless, presumptuous 狂妄 ( it is presumptuous to assume they )
* 👎Rude, impertinent不礼貌, impudent厚颜无耻, insolent粗野, discourteous失礼 | (n.) insolence 傲慢, willfulness. n. 任性;故意

* 👎vexatious使人烦恼的, perturbing使煩惱, irksome, vexing, exasperate 使恶化, unsettling

* 👎tenacious顽强/緊粘, viscous粘性, glutinous, adherent
* 👎**Obdurate頑固麻木(<-> malleable 可塑易被控制), *ostinate頑固, intransigent不让步, implacable不饶人, intractable难驾驭, incorrigible不可救药, wilful 恣意
* 👏perseverant, persistent, pertinacious坚决, steadfast, adamantly 固执坚决, resolutely, unwavering毫不动摇, resolute

* <->tenuous 脆弱/不明朗的(~ link between), shaky, fragile, weak, doubtful, nebulous, attenuated
* Feeble, infirm, frail, impotent , weak
* <->indissoluble牢不可破, lasting, abiding

* Factious 派系的( vs. fractious 易怒), contentious, , schismatic(尤指教会的)分裂, partisan, sectarian

* baseness n. 卑鄙下贱, iniquity 罪恶, depravity 堕落, enormity

* 👎Detest 憎恨, abhor, abominate鄙弃, loathe, disdain蔑视, repulse,
* 👎atrocious, heinous, abominable, odious, detestable, disputable, repellent, repugnant, distasteful , abysmal極糟的

* 👎Chide责骂, rebuke, scold, upbraid斥骂,chastise 谴责, reprove, reproach, censure谴责, condemn, denounce, castigate鞭挞, lash, inveigh痛罵, impugn 抨击非難, thunder (the Brazil president ~). Reprobate(n. 恶棍/ disapproval), criticise, excoriate痛斥 (/磨損abrade), lambaste猛烈抨擊, vituperate 谩骂 |. execrate诅咒?

* 👎Calumniate中傷, Denigrate 詆毀, disparage贬损, belittle, (Verb.), malign诽谤, slander诽谤, defame, smear醜化, vilify诋毁, misrepresent歪曲, distort, tamper篡改
* opprobrium譴責, noun, harsh criticism or censure, ignominy恥辱
* opprobrious侮辱的, ignominy, vituperative, pejorative, detractor 贬低者, disparaging 贬低的, derogatory贬损

* decrepit破舊, ramshackle, dilapidated 残破, tatty破旧, shabby破旧; 不光彩的 | ignoble 卑鄙, sordid 邋遢的, 不道德, abject 没有尊严
* hovel, slum贫民窟, shanty, rickety 摇摇晃晃, derelict 失修破舊的/n.流浪漢
* Poor, impecunious贫穷, indigent貧窮, destitute一贫如洗, needy, impoverished贫困, necessitous贫乏的, penurious缺乏的(vs. Pecuniary), penniless, insolvent, meager不足的, paltry
* exiguous稀少的, tenuous 脆弱/不明朗的
* Threadbare, dearth of food, (live in) penury , modicum 少量


* Jeer嘲笑, scoff, deride, taunt, ridicule, scorn轻蔑

* Flummox使困惑, baffle, bewilder, mystify, bemuse, perplex, puzzle, confuse, confound, nonplus (v.), disconcert 使焦虑, throw, throw off balance, disorientate使迷路, befuddle / befuddlement 迷惑
* discombobulate使困惑, disconcert 使焦虑, unsettle, perturb擾亂, worry, disconcert, ruffle擾亂使水漣漪 | 👎agitate, inflame使發怒, aggravate, irritate, incite 煽动刺激, instigate, foment煽动, exacerbate使加劇,激怒, aggravate, intensify, enrage
* fluster 慌張, ruffle使心烦意乱, unsettle,

* Palliate減輕减轻负面影响, assuage缓和(~ concerns on ..), alleviate, pacify使镇静(quell the anger), placate平息, appease, tranquillise, propitiate (~the god) 抚慰,安抚;与…和解, mollify, allay减轻,缓解(担忧恐惧), conciliate | (adj.) Conciliatory 安撫說服的
* Abate减少, subside, lessen, diminish, dwindle

* bamboozle愚弄;欺骗,  delude, hoodwink, dupe

* recondite adj. 深奥,隐藏,默默无闻的 ,**obscure朦胧/晦涩/无名, abstruse深奥, profound, esoteric极不寻常的, arcane
* unfathomable, inscrutable, enigmatic神秘, mysterious, perplexing, mystifying, baffling, bewildering, impenetrable不能看透的,費解/不能穿過的, unintelligible 莫名其妙的, 无法了解, incomprehensible

* ordeal考验: agony , torment

* morose忧郁, sullen (vs sully玷污), sulky, gloomy, glum 阴沉的
* crestfallen垂头丧气, disheartened, despondent
* Dolorous忧伤, mournful, woeful, sorrowful, unhappy, dismal, melancholy, dejected, forlorn ,doleful, lugubrious

* portend. vt. 预示, 预兆,意味着,presage预感,前兆, prophesy, augur
* avert vt. 避免,防止;转移
* forestall (problems) vt. 先发制人, 垄断, preempt, prevent

* Preclude排除, impede, hinder, obstruct阻碍, obviate排除,thwart 反对,阻碍,横过 adj. 横放的;固执的

* renege违背诺言. ~ a proffer of. EU would block trade deal if Britain renege on Brexit bill
* repudiate否认拒绝(reject/deny), renounce放弃, reject拒绝, abandon, forswear决心放弃 | Jettison 放弃想法, discard, relinquish放弃, cede

* supplication n. 恳求;祈祷, supplicate, implore, entreaty, medicano (v.) cadge 乞讨, mendicate, Beg, entreat, beseech, importune

* subversive颠覆性的, insurgent叛乱者, seditious煽动叛乱的, insurrection

* Stentorian声音洪亮: deafening, strident刺耳, tumultuous动荡/嘈, thunderous, sonorous洪亮

* unnerve: make someone lose confident使缺乏信心, demoralise, dishearten, deject沮丧

* wheedle vt. 以甜言蜜语诱惑, coax, cajole劝诱, lure, entice, sway, beguile , inveigle 哄骗, blandish

== *** similar spelling *** ===
adamantly 坚定
admonish 告诫;警告

Contention 競爭
Contentment 滿足

-desecrate 褻瀆, profane渎神的, pollute, contaminate,
-desiccate脱水: dehydrate

*excoriate痛斥: damage of skin, criticise severely.
execrate 詛咒
expedient 權宜之計
expedite, accelerate, hasten, precipitate 促成
expiate贖罪: atone for (guild or sin)
expurgate删除(不当之处): remove (unsuitable contents)
expunge使淡忘: obliviate, obliterate
expatriate: 僑居
*explicate详细解释: elucidate, clarify. an attempt to explicate the relationship between crime and economic forces. | Construe v. 分析,作文 (interpret (a word or action) in a particular way.), interpret, elucidate
excavate 挖掘
exculpate. Show or declare no wrongdoing, vindicate 證明無辜
exonerate 为…开脱
exorbitant高昂,過分, egregious
extraneous 无直接关系的/外來的, irrelevant

Indolent懶惰 (redolent 花香的)

Imperious 专横
imperative 当务之急
Impetuous 冲动的


obliviate v. 遗忘
Oblivious adj.
obliterate v.抹去,使遺忘
obfuscate v.使模糊
Obsequiou  巴结的
**obdurate頑固麻木(<-> malleable 可塑易被控制),

repudiate (vt.) 拒绝;否定;批判;与…断绝关系;拒付
recapitulate (vi.) 概括;重述要点;摘要


tenuous 脆弱/不明朗的
Tendentious 倾向的


versatile多种用途, protean, adaptable, flexible, all-round, catholic multifaceted, multitalented, multiskilled, many-sided, resourceful,
veritable名副其實的: used for emphasis, often to qualify a metaphor.
*Veracious誠實,真實:~ gaming experience <-> mendacious虛假
voracious馋: insatiable, ravenous

-malediction詛咒 (execrate诅咒)
<-> benediction祝福

Stick in the mud, someone who’s dull
Straight as an arrow, honest person
Put a sock in it, stop talking
A whole other (story etc)
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