Cornell ORIE DA 2020 面经及往年题总结

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压线完成video interview,题目并不难但感觉答的一般。有点紧张了。

1. How do you learn this program? Why you want to learn ORIE and the decision factors
2. The most unusual food you ever ate
3. Three qualities you want others to recognize in you
4. Generating ideas or realizing ideas(大意是这个)
5. One important issue faced by human beings nowadays


1. How do you learn this program? What do you expect from this program?
2. Factors that motivate you to apply for this program (Why you want to learn ORIE and the decision factors)
3. Why you continue your education at this moment (Why you want to start your further study now)
4. 研究生学习和本科学习有哪些不一样

5. What's your career goal after getting ur master degree.
6. How this program will help your future career?
7. Your concern in career searching process

8. 第一印象通常很难改变,你怎么给人留下好印象
9. One person who have left a good first impression on you, and what did you learn from him/her? (给你留下最好第一印象的一个人,从中学到什么?)
10. 给你坏印象的人,你学到了什么

11. Talk about an experience you wish you would do over again.
12. An unethical thing you met and how you handle it?
13. What is your biggest accomplishment?
14. Outside academic work, what's the accomplishment that you're most proud of
15. 告诉我一件你简历外的事 (one important thing that is not on your resume)
16. One single thing that is on your resume (What single thing is the most important thing in your resume?)
17. The purpose of resume and what is good resume
18. Tell me a time you experience academic difficulty.
19. Tell me a time you failed.
20. One mistake you made and what did you learn?
21. Tell me a time you have rewarding experience on team work,your role and what did you do to make it successful (Talk about last time you team work with others. )
22. A course that has influenced you the most

23. If you can choose a company to work with, where would you choose and why?
24. What kind of working environment do you prefer?.

25. What do you do in your free time?
26. Tell me about your favorite book.
27. An unusual food you ever ate?
28. What do you like to do outside the classroom?
29. What is your favorite music?(favorite music style and why)
30. What's the place you want to go/visit? why

31. Which person do you admire most and why?
32. Who is your role Model?
33. One person who have left a good first impression on you, and what did you learn from him/her?
34. The person influenced you most/ Talk about one person not in your field influence you.

35. Tell me about an essay you wrote recently/ describe the last time you wrote an essay/ When is the 36. Last time you write an essay, and what was the essay about?

37. What did you read in the last 24hrs?
38. What's an interesting news you have read recently?
39. Tell me the most interesting news you read in this week.
40. What interesting articles u read recently
41. Through what source do you receive news, talk about an interesting news in the recent week

42. Why we should choose you instead of other applicants?
43. What do you cherish most about yourself?
44. What do you proud of yourself outside academia?
45. one thing you want to improve about yourself
46. Three qualities you want others to recognize in you.
47. Define your 3 characteristics of success.
48. What is your weakness?
49. How friends value you
50. How your professors describe you
51. What is the best leader position for u in the company? chief leader? market? or financial leader?

52. Provide an example how you do networking
53. What u think networking entails?
54. 你如果坐在CEO旁边,怎么network
55. How would you start the conversation in a networking event where you know nobody?

56. 说一个你相信是truth但你的朋友都不相信的事情
57. One important issue faced by human beings nowadays
58. What you think is important thing in finance world?
59. Suppose you can choose any topic and any audience to give a presentation, what topic will you choose and whom will you speak?
60. 请简述创新的最大障碍是什么?
61. 请概况什么是领导力并举一个特定人物的例子

62. Courage和patient哪个对你来说更重要
63. Make a presentation or write a report
64. High-level thinking or detail-oriented thinking
65. 请简述你是喜欢补充想法还是产生想法?
66. 请简述东西方文化差异以你建议互相学习的地方
67. 在你心里扎克伯格和乔布斯哪个更成功,并给明原因

补充内容 (2019-12-24 15:27):
Cornell Tech ORIE 面经:同去年6题
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