ucsd fee waiver买一送二免申请费注意事项

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UCSD可以一份申请费申请三个department的项目,但是楼主昨天(12.14)才发现fee waiver需要至少提前一周申请,CS75是楼主申请的第二个项目,deadline是12.15
但是楼主还是选了fee waiver,很担心处理结果出来之后已经超过了ddl以致于申请不会被review

也就是说,如果fee waiver没被批准(会收到邮件),并且超过了ddl,需要在一天之内交上费用,否则不予考虑。

Fall 2020/Summer 2020 Applicants:

1. Complete the online application. The option to request a fee waiver is provided before the official submission of your application.
2. Complete the "Request Fee Waiver" tab, upload documents, and submit. After reviewing the qualifications for a fee waiver, you may indicate which criteria you meet and upload the corresponding documents for review of your request. This action submits your final and official application to UCSD Graduate Admissions.
3. Check your email. You will receive an email notifying you of your fee waiver status (Approved, Denied, or Further Documentation Needed). If your fee waiver has been denied and it is after the program application deadline, you will have one day to pay for your application. Failure to pay within the allotted time will result in your application being removed from consideration.

Please note all fee waiver requests must be submitted at least one week prior to the application deadline.

补充内容 (2019-12-18 07:25):
update一下:今天12.18查看状态,发现fee waiver通过了,没有收到邮件
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