有一点儿心水啊 ME@USC (有转CS可能的学校) 求大神建议比较啊 灰常纠结

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[align="left"]Your application for admission to the University of Southern California has been received and reviewed. I am pleased to inform you that you are academically eligible for admission to the Fall 2013 semester as a graduate student majoring in Mechanical Engineering leading toward a Master of Science; however, your application is not yet complete.[/align]
[align="left"]In order to comply with U.S. Visa regulations, you must provide an affidavit of financial support before an I-20 or DS-2019 can be issued to you. If you are being sponsored by your home government or other agency, we require a current letter be addressed to USC specifying the terms of the award. If you have been awarded a scholarship or assistantship from USC, contact your department to submit your award information directly to the Graduate Admissions office.[/align]

[align="left"]USC。 不用我多说了 被很多人说水的学校。但是LZ觉得水之是相对的 可是呢 USC我申的学校里面 唯一给出明确的转CS的规定的学校[/align]
[align="left"]修3门CS基础课 成绩都在B以上就行[/align]
[align="left"]目前还有的AD是: 哥大、UFL和 CLEMSON 车辆 ( CLEMSON跟UFL应该不考虑了) WL: CMU。 说是4.19之前出 应该不想等了[/align]
[align="left"]REJ有 OSU ME 和 UPENN MCIT [/align]
[align="left"]PENDING里比较好的: PURDUE UMICH NWU TAMU UCSD等 [/align]
[align="left"]单说USC的ME的话 对我吸引力可能不如哥大 可是LZ是明确想找工作的人 所以可以转CS的吸引力还是挺大的 并且自己也对编程有一点儿兴趣 觉得写代码其实挺有意思的[/align]
[align="left"]但是LZ不想长留美国 还是想工作几年就回国。 不知道码农回国的话前景何如 求大家建议啊 纠结死了 [/align]
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