半年找Firmware/Silicon Validation面试准备题目

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之前有5年post/pre silicon validation的经历,今年公司layoff,重新开始找工作。边带娃边找,陆陆续续找了半年,从6月到12月,终于拿到口头offer。之前想看地里几个firmware/embedded的面经怎么都看不到,现在发帖赚点积分未雨绸缪吧!

1. C语言相关
1. Storage class in c and memory segment
2. Volatile qualifier
3. Function pointer and Callback function
4. Void pointer/Dangling pointer/Wild pointer/NULL pointer
5. Const and pointer
6. Pointer and increment
7. How source code to excitable file
8. typedef vs #define
9. C一些基本库函数
10. Array和Linked List的优缺点
11. 2(多维)维数组和指针以及作为参数传递的问题
12. Structure padding
13. How heap works in dynamic memory allocation Heap Fragmentation and how to avoid it

2. ARM相关
1. ARM寄存器
2. How stack works in function call
3. Big and little endian
4. What will happen after interrupt triggered?
5. Interrupt - Core modes and basic operations
6. Interrupt - basic interrupt scheme
7. Interrupt - Why FIQ is faster than IRQ Interrupt
8. Interrupt latency
9. 汇编基本使用 - function call, interrupt, etc.
10. 中断和polling优缺点

3. OS/RTOS相关
1. Process vs Thread
2. RTOS vs OS
3. Mutex/Semaphore/Spinlock
4. Critical section
5. Deadlock
6. Race condition Priority inversion
7. How ARM implements Mutex? Critical section?
8. 如何设计线程安全的FIFO(ring buffer)?
9. RTOS具体使用

4. 编程相关
4.1 链表相关
876. Middle of the Linked List
206. Reverse Linked List
141. Linked List Cycle
142. Linked List Cycle II
237. Delete Node in a Linked List
21. Merge Two Sorted Lists
83. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List
234. Palindrome Linked List
203. Remove Linked List Elements
160. Intersection of Two Linked Lists
19. Remove Nth Node From End of List
2. Add Two Numbers
61. Rotate List

4.2 Bit操作相关

4.3 BST

4.5 其他
1. 排序实现(准备一个n^2的一个nlgn的)
2. 如何判断系统大小端
3. Fibonacci数列迭代和递归
4. Binary Search
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