
大家好,麻烦和辛苦大家给帮帮忙出出点子吧,急急急!本人美本一枚,本科是学ME机械工程的,这不马上就快毕业了吗,但关键问题是我突然对CS反向特别感兴趣了。家里面觉得我这个专业挺好的,不太支持我再花时间专门去读一个CS的Master,但是我自己已经下定了决心往CS方向上走!研究生我肯定是要读的,但是会找一个好的学校,读一个正规的Master Degree,比如说像密歇根大学的Online MS CS Degree。读下来大概会花一年到一年半吧,花的钱其实也不比on-campus的那种少多少,但是这可以帮我省下很多时间,因为我可以在美国边上班边读。

那么现在两个问题来了。第一,我自己在本科学过大量CS专业的课程,包括Java, Python, C++,以及数据结构和算法,我只是没有CS的本科Degree。如果我现在去面试一个关于Software的职位,并且收到了Offer,那么请问我OPT可以直接蒙混过关吗?可以说我修过大量CS的课程,所以仍然算相关吗?除非是迫不得已,不然我确实不太愿意去找个和机械相关的工作。身边的朋友们都告诉我,OPT貌似必须要和你的专业相关,但也有不少人跟我说,OPT第一年和专业关联性不大。我个人觉得我这个学历上印的是机械,貌似和IT领域还是差蛮多的啊,不知道好不好解释啊?这种可能性有多大呢?

第二个更难的问题随之而来。好吧,我姑且算OPT选择了在一家和机械领域相关的公司工作吧。等我工作个一年下来,我的Online Master Degree估计也读差不多了,那么请问OPT延期时我该怎么办啊?我能填Master CS专业吗?从学术上来说,我可以填,因为Online MS和普通MS没有区别,唯一的区别是Online的MS不自带签证,但我又有F1签证啊,并且还在用着OPT。从美国移民局给的官方解释上来看,说法有点儿模糊,说是一旦有更高的STEM degree了,可以用更高的STEM Degree去申请OPT延期。我现在都不知道该听哪个说的啊?有没有哪位大神能够出点好点子,拯救下我啊?!人生的十字路口,拜托大家了!

Previously obtained STEM degrees: If you are an F-1 student participating in a 12-month period of post-completion OPT based on a non-STEM degree, you may be eligible to use a previous STEM degree from a U.S. institution of higher education to apply for a STEM OPT extension. You must have received both degrees from currently accredited and SEVP-certified institutions, and cannot have already received a STEM OPT extension based on this previous degree. The practical training opportunity also must be directly related to the previously obtained STEM degree.

For example: If you are currently participating in OPT based on a master’s degree in business administration but you previously received a bachelor’s degree in mathematics, you may be able to apply for a STEM OPT extension based on your bachelor’s degree as long as it is from an accredited U.S. college or university and the OPT employment opportunity is directly related to your bachelor’s degree in mathematics.

STEM degrees you obtain in the future: If you enroll in a new academic program in the future and earn another qualifying STEM degree at a higher educational level, you may be eligible for one additional 24-month STEM OPT extension.

For example: If you receive a 24-month STEM OPT extension based on your bachelor’s degree in engineering and you later earn a master’s degree in engineering, you may apply for an additional 24-month STEM OPT extension based on your master’s degree.
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