ECE PH.D Openings for Fall 2020 at Stevens Institute of Technology

Electric Power and Energy Systems research team ( at Stevens Institute of Technology, NJ, USA is looking for Ph.D. applicants to fill in several full-time RA positions. Our research focuses on power and energy system optimization and control, with specific interests in the modeling of large-scale power systems with a high penetration of demand response and renewable energy, distribution system restructuring, community resilience microgrid, and interdependency of multi-infrastructure systems. Students will have opportunities to participate in several of our recent projects (see examples below), and interact with our industry partners in these projects.
- An Integrated Reconfigurable Control and Self-Organizing Communication Framework for Advanced Community Resilience Microgrids
- Multi-Stage and Multi-Timescale Robust Co-Optimization Planning for Reliable and Sustainable Power Systems
- Improving Energy Reliability by Co-Optimization Planning for Interdependent Electricity and Natural Gas Infrastructure Systems
Candidates in electrical engineering, power engineering in particular, will be considered. Candidates with multidisciplinary backgrounds (such as mathematical optimization, control theory, and communication) are desirable.

项目申请的截止日期为2月1日,有意向的同学可以直接与Professor. Lei Wu (联系。
关于Stevens Institute of Technology

史蒂文斯理工学院(Stevens Institute of Technology,SIT)是位于美国新泽西州霍博肯的一所私立研究型大学,坐落于哈德逊河河畔隶属于纽约都会区,与曼哈顿隔河相望,学校环境优美,交通便利。由美国工程师、企业家埃德温·奥古斯都·史蒂文斯的遗产捐助创立于1870年, 是美国最古老的理工学院之一、美国独立科技大学联盟(Association of Independent Technological Universities)的创始院校之一。

2020 US News 全美第74名。
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