CMU MSIM BIDA Video Interview

楼主刚刚完成了 BIDA 的视频面试,分为 testing mode 和 video interview。不同于往年的 kira 面试,这次的视频面试应该采用了全新的系统,且仅有 90s准备+90s录制 的一题
  • 在 testing mode 主要是给我们调试设备使用,会让你准备 10s 后录制 10s , 然后让你回看这 10s 的录制内容,你可以相应的调试设备。
  • 之后就是正式的 video interview 了,在 90s 准备之后自动开始(无开始提示) 90s 的录制。之后自动上传,可以回看自己的录制结果(羞耻)。

  • Describe a time when you were asked to do something differently, or use a unique approach to help achieve an objective of some sort.

附上我的 timeline
  • 0108 提交申请
  • 0113 WES 认证完成,发出
  • 0129 收到 video interview link

  1. Tell us about an experience that you managed your emotion in a hard situation.
  2. Imagining there is a student who is disrespectful towards a professor, how would you handle this situation?
  3. team work很重要,请分享一个team work的经历,When have you experienced it and how you go about accomplishing it at the end?
  4. Tell us what\'s interesting about yourself, that is not reflected in any other applying materials.
  5. Share a situation when you identified a factor for a problem
  6. 说一个你在项目中需要进行其中某一部分进行提升的经历
  7. Describe a situation where you build motivation among coworkers or peers
  8. Share an experience when you solve a problem in an innovative way
  9. Tell us a project that failed.
  10. Tell us the most innovative idea you have got.
  11. 描述一下你期待的工作或职业生涯
  12. 描述一次你在团队活动中帮助队友的经历 project中
  13. 描述一次在团队活动中队友帮助你的经历 project中
  14. 你最想和哪两个人吃饭,以前的或现在的?
  15. 为了申请这个项目,你在专业上做了哪些努力?
  16. 描述一个要权衡很多优缺点的情况
  17. 如果不考虑任何因素,给你一天时间,你会怎么度过这一天
  18. Besides your academic and career, which activities do you dedicate most of your time to? And how it could benefit the community when you study at CMU Heinz?
  19. 你为什么对于你想要申请项目相关的industry感兴趣?
  20. What\'s your motivation to apply?
  21. Why do you like heinz college?
  22. Describe the most important accomplishment
  23. 描述一个从unique的perspective来解决问题的经历。
  24. What\'s your motivation to go to graduate at this point
  25. Tell us a time that you have to make an important decision quickly.
  26. Describe a time when you were asked to do something differently, or use a unique approach to help achieve an objective of some sort.
  27. Illustrate how you acknowledge your teammate\'s achievement.
  28. A situation when your ethics were challenged and how you handle it and put your honesty into test?

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