最爱Vandy!!MS biostat offer with 80% tuition waive~ 给奖Master最有爱了~~

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3.27发邮件去催结果,3.29收到邮件,问是否remain interested,于是果断回了very much interested~

Thank you for your recent inquiry. The admissions process has been delayed this year and most offers are on hold until April 1st. The reason for this is that the University wanted to re-evaluate its funding commitments in light of the sequester.

As a result, admission offers for the MS program are being delayed until April 1st. Your application was ranked highly by the admission committee. MS admission offers come with an 80% tuition waver for two years, but are otherwise without funding.
Please let me know if you remain interested in our MS program. I appreciate your interest and enthusiasm for our program.


Excellent. It is my pleasure to offer you admission to our MS program in Biostatistics. Please see the attached offer letter.

I do think we offer a number of advantages over Columbia or Emory(已经发邮件去问Why,等回复中), and I hope Vanderbilt is indeed the best academic fit for you. Please let me know if you have any questions or if you would like to discuss this offer.




Bless all~~

1) Course Registration
Yes you can register for courses outside of the program. The planned course load is quite intensive, so I'm not sure you'll have time for additional classwork however.

2) Graduate Replacement
Our program is relatively new and in the past two years we have moved two MS students to the PhD track at Vanderbilt (one each year). So it can happens and it obviously depends on the student's current academic performance.

3) Advantages over Columbia or Emory
We are a small high-quality program. We only take a small number of students each year so we can focus on them and spending time mentoring them. We have over thirty faculty and only 14 students, so the student to faculty ratio is significantly less than 1:1. Also, because we are relatively new, we have developed a modern Biostatistics curriculum that seeks to balance methodology, theory and applied skills. And I think the curriculum is on the lead edge of what many program seek to achieve. Also, we are in a medical school as opposed to the school of public health, so we tend to be closer to many biomedical research projects as oppose to things like International Health or Health policy. One is not really better than the other; it is a matter of fit.
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