3rd ad @ UCLA

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Dear xxxxxx:
I am pleased to inform you that you have been recommended for admission to the M.S. degree program in Computer Science at the University of California-Los Angeles starting in the Fall quarter of 2013. We are extremely selective in our admissions to this program, so our decision reflects our confidence that you have the potential to excel in computer science, and that UCLA is the place where you can achieve that potential.

刚刚收到的录取,估计是那位大神把UCLA给decline了,于是UCLA把我从waiting list里拉出来了{:4_85:}

虽然是母校的录取不过还是挺激动的(捏了自己两下看看是不是在做梦……),之前几波ad自己都没消息,心想自己这转专业又是弱CS背景申UCLA的CS master肯定妥妥没戏了,结果今天晚上突然给了我个惊喜

Thank you for admitting me twice, UCLA.