Admissible?! @ Michigan State University

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Michigan State University 来消息还蛮早的,我还挺高兴,内容如下

The Graduate Committee marked your file as "admissible". This does NOT mean that you are admitted, but it means that your file has been sent to the general faculty to find research support for you. My advice to you now is to remember that research dollars are tight. I personally suggest that all potential graduate students should help in their selection process by doing some homework for a Research Assistantship as you will, in all likelihood, not be admitted without someone supporting you on a research assistantship.

Doing some homework like I'm referring to means .... find professors in your chosen field of research interest and cultivate a relationship with them. This does not mean do a "blanket" email to all professors, but only to those in your area of interest. Try to get them interested in you and your credentials and what you can bring to their research area. What I am suggesting is just like finding a job. Read the ECE website and then search the professor's fields of research, their research labs. email them - do not call call them unless they ask you to do so. Find out what they are doing, what their goals are, how your skills will benefit them. If a professor wants you and want you can do for them, they will move mountains to get you into the system.

Please note that Teaching Assistantships are far and few between - and usually given to students already in the system. Good research assistants are far and few between. If you have talents the professors need, they will help you all they can.

These are suggestions, and are not mandatory. Good luck.

就说我被划分为了admissible,并且给我了很多建议,自己好好陶老师之类的。我开始还以为这就是给了我AD,觉得小秘好温暖的,友情提醒一大堆。结果前两天邮件小秘,小秘说,admissible不代表录取,除非找到了老师support you, 否则还是不录取……(You will not be able to come to MSU without a professor to support you.


有没有也在等Michigan State University的,也是这种情况,求破解!