求助 我看不懂PSU是录我了还是没有!

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今天发了一封邮件过来让我去看current status 但我不确定到底是什么意思
status写了Your intended program/PLAN of study has completed the first step of the admissions process and has offered you admission pending an eligibility review by the Graduate School.

To begin the second step of the admission process, you now need to accept or decline the graduate program offer of admission using the buttons below to notify the Graduate School of your decision.The Graduate School will complete the review of your application and communicate with you in the near future.

我点了accept按钮之后 显示了
You have formally completed step one of the admission process and accepted the graduate program/plan of study offer of admission. The Graduate School will begin step two of the admissions process, review your eligibility requirements and communicate with you in the near future.

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