哥大DS面经 新鲜出炉|附上今年另一套题

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先说一下timeline: 1.15卡着点提交申请 - 北京时间2.25号收到面试邀请 - 2.26 北京时间上午十点开始答题

1. Tell me your most recent coding experience. What programming language did you use? What did you learn? 敲重点是讲最新的一个经历 之前看地里说的是 coding experience所以我准备成了好几段经历
2. Group project experience, what is your role, what did you do, how to take responsibility
3. The data science institute mission focus on data for good. What does data for good means to you 这道题我感觉还挺tricky的 而且是今年的新题
4. The most challenging project, why challenging? How did the project turn out?
5. Tell me any extra-curricular activities that you are involved with.

1) 我和我朋友几乎是同一时间开始面试 然后拿到的题目是一模一样的 所以我推测这两套题是按时间发的
2) 每个video可以录两次 中间可以无限间隔 但是第二次录完不能回放并且会直接上传
3) 如果手贱不小心把第一次video直接submit的话 可以在上传100%之前刷新页面 (只是我自己的经验 不保证每次会work哈)

分享地里今年的另一套题 目前就这两套题~
1. Where do you think Data Science has a impact in? (地里另一种说法是 one area you think Data Science has a impact in)
2.disagreement with professor, how did you handle that?
3. Tell us a time when you made a good decision, and how did you make it?
4.a challenging project, why challenging? and how did you handle it?
5.why did you decide to pursue a data science master degree

大家面试加油! 祝大家offer多多
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