[CMU BIDA]2020 FALL申请+Video Interview

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我是卡着点1/10 deadline提交申请,然后在一周以内收到了面试邀请,拖了快2周才提交面试。。超害怕面试。。面试题目是:在之前工作中的creative approach
我是集合以前的题目(非常感谢分享题目的前辈们),做了总结,然后在word里面写bullet points,然后无数遍熟读 lol
但是我最后并没有能在90sec内说完,差两句,不过只要说的理直气壮说的有理有据让人听了有自信表达清晰,录不完并没有影响 :) 因为我2.26收到了BIDA 16month的offer,哈哈哈哈哈啊。。。



; Describe the most important accomplishment.
; Tell us about your most meaningful accomplishment outside of the workplace and academics. Tell us what steps you took to achieve this accomplishment.
; 除了学校和工作,你dedicate大部分时间to?这对你在Heinz的学习有什么帮助?(how it could benefit the community when you study at CMU Heinz) 

; share an experience when you solve a problem in an innovative way.
; Share a situation when you identified a factor for a problem.
; Tell us the most innovative idea you have got.
; do you once have any innovative or creative ideas?
; 谈谈做project的时候经历的困难&如何最终达到了accomplishment
; 项目提升-说一个你在项目中需要就其中某一部分进行提升的经历
; 在团队工作中遇到困难project中队友帮助你的经历
; Describe a time when you work in a team.
; 描述一个从unique的perspective来解决问题的经历
; 怎样和团队成员达成consensus
; had difficulty with a team member because their perspective or approach may have been different than your own.
; you build motivation among coworkers or peers.
; A significant amount of work we do at the Heinz college is project work, can you tell us of an example when you had to work with somebody and really helped them along and assisted them on the project.

; Multi-task, tell us about a time when you had multiple things to do and how you handled that situation.
; manage your emotions in a difficult situation.
; How you acknowledge the accomplishment of your team member?

; why do you like heinz college?
; 描述一下你期待的工作或职业生涯 (how would Heinz help you?)
; 你为什么对于你想要申请项目相关的industry感兴趣?(这里的industry应该指的是行业领域,金融、教育、工程 etc.)

; Your First paid job and what you have learned from it.
; academic and professional life to prepare you for graduate studies
; academic or co-curricular activity that has prepared you for graduate studies at Heinz College.
; 为了申请这个项目,你在专业上做了哪些努力?(example)
; 为什么在这个时间点选择读研究生/ what's your motivation to apply?
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