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三月初收到那个shortlist的邮件,至今无消息。昨天发邮件给Graduate Program Coordinator,然后POI给回了邮件,这拒信写的还是相当好的
Dear XXX,
I asked for your application to be put on "hold" because your application was one of the few that impressed me the most this year.
We offer admission only to students for whom we have funding, and we need to wait to hear the decisions of our first round of offers before we can make final decisions about the few students like yourself on the "hold" list.
Just a couple days ago I got an acceptance decision from another student, so at this point it is unlikely we will be able to offer you admission at UM. You are very well qualified for our doctoral program but the number of positions is limited so unfortunately we must decline many excellent students.
I wish you the best of success with your doctoral studies and hope to see you at a signal processing conference in the future.