联系导师多次被拒 我究竟该怎么做?

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上个月收到了UC Davis农学园艺研究生组招生办公室的回信,说现在可以开始联系导师,有人愿意接受我的话就可以给我发正式的offer。


目前我联系了6位教授,2人要退休不招学生,剩下4个都说No funding。。。这Davis我估计是去不了了。。。


之前学院发的那封邮件有任何效力吗,为啥我感觉在邮件中提到已经被学院approve(you have been approved by the GGHA Admissions Committee)了教授们也无动于衷呢?


Dear Dr. Runcie:


I am a senior student from China Agricultural University. Recently, my admission has been approved by the GGHA Admissions Committee, and I am looking for a major professor to work with for my graduate study. I am very interested in your research and hope to join your research group for my graduate study!

I learned substantially about the basics of bioinformatics and plant genomics, and I am very interested in the study of gene regulatory networks. My graduation project is also in this regard, under the guidance of my college professor, I use WGCNA in R language to try a co-expression network analysis of related traits in wheat grains. During my sophomore year, I and several classmates designed and carried out "The Identification of SNP Loci Related to the Drought and Stem Rot Resistance of Wheat" using genetics, plant physiology and R language knowledge.

I am interested in the "Genetic variation and plasticity in a developmental gene regulatory network" from your research project. I hope to conduct research on developmental gene regulatory network in plants with you during my graduate study, because I think the buffering mechanism you mentioned has great application potential. This buffering mechanism is an important abiotic stress resistance mechanism. Organisms with stronger buffering mechanisms under environmental stress should perform better. The mechanism should be a great inspiration and help us to cultivate better stress-resistant varieties!

My CV is in the attachment, which include some of my personal experience and academic performance. My sincerely thanks for taking your valuable time reading this email! Looking forward to your reply!

Best regards,
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