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大家好,因为昨天收到了来自pitt的cs拒绝信,让我考虑is或者通信工程再审核,考虑到形势这么激烈,于是我立马提交了is,请问这种转录的希望大吗?还是说比较渺茫呢?希望大家能给个看法 谢谢!(我三维是3.57/101/315
The admissions committees for all of our graduate degrees are still in the process of making their reviews. During this process they often find applicants who may be a good fit for the School but not their specific program, so they recommend strong candidates (such as yourself) be considered for other programs within the School instead of the one to which they have originally applied. In your case, the MS CS admissions committee has determined that you would be a better fit for our graduate degrees in Information Science or in Telecommunications.

What this means in that you will not be considered for admission to the Master of Science in Computer Science Program, but will be considered for either the Master of Science in Information Science or the Master of Science in Telecommunications. If you have a preference, please use this online form and let us know which of these additional degree programs might meet your educational and career goals (or if you do not want to consider either of them) on or before XXX. If no preference is indicated, then we will default you to consideration for the Master of Science in Information Science degree. Please note that regardless of your choice you will not be considered for the Master of Science in Computer Science Program at any future point.

After this sorting process, we will direct your application to the appropriate faculty reviewers, who will make determinations regarding admission to that specific program. Please note that this review does not guarantee admission and that the admissions criteria and pre-requisites may be different for the newly-selected program – you will be expected to meet these specific admission requirements prior to enrolling, should you be accepted. ”