OPT timeline 20901562xx

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3.5 received
5月中,收到口头offer, 但同时原因暂停opt的各路流言甚嚣尘上,于是我陷入惶惶不可终日的状态,一天恨不得查20次...
5.26用USCIS emma 在线小助手申请加急,理由是severe financial loss to company (知道会被拒)
5.29意料之中收到加急被拒,理由是"The expediting of a case allows it to be sent quickly to an officer for adjudication. However, your case is currently under review by an officer. We regret that we are not able to give you a time frame for when we will complete the review of your application."
接下来的一周多都没有任何变化,我的号段 20901562xx一直是60个approved, 最近一次被临行是在5.19.
6.5 周五终于按耐不住邮件联系了两个参议员办公室
6.8 周一收到其中一个办公室的回复,非常有耐心,说“While it is not possible to place a further expedite request, I may be able to follow up with a liaison regarding your concerns to see if they are able share those concerns with the officer assigned to your case. However, I do want to caution that, even if I place an inquiry, I cannot promise it will result in a quicker decision on your case at this point. ”
6.10 早上8点查看发现new card is being produced了

个人怀疑senator office应该是起了最关键的作用,因为今年有不少人查到assign以后一个月还没出结果,我实在没有耐心继续等了。不过今天发现跟我隔两个号的难兄难弟也new card is being produced, 也许是他/她找的人起作用了然后惠及了我?

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