
大家好,我目前美本大三在读,有F-1签证,现在人不在美国境内,我现在在纠结秋季是在美国境外上网课还是在回美国境内上网课。我计划2021年秋季实习所以明年要申请CPT。我查了一下CPT有关的政策 (链接:internationaloffice.berkeley.edu):
To obtain CPT, a student must:

1. Be in valid F-1 immigration status for at least two semesters (except graduate students who must work as a requirement for their degree).
2. Have completed at least one academic year as a full-time student in a SEVIS-approved college, university, conservatory, or seminary immediately prior to the CPT authorization. The only exception is for graduate students enrolled in a degree program that requires an internship of all students prior to the completion of one academic year.
3. Secure an academically appropriate internship offer directly related to the student's field of study. NOTE: Positions must be appropriate to the student's level of study and major field of study. Retail sales, food service, and other unskilled positions will be denied.
4. Obtain CPT authorization BEFORE beginning employment; authorization cannot be back-dated.
5. Be registered for classes at UC Berkeley; CPT cannot be used when a graduate student is in "filing fee status."

Additionally, the student's supervisor for the internship can not be an F-1 or J-1 student.
