脸瘦家 DE L5 VO后的 Feedback

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VO面试的是DE L5,一共5轮全部通过,但是最后给的综合测评是L4.25的水平,没有达到L5的要求,目前他们也没有L4的岗位,所以建议我稍后继续申请尝试。

SQL:5.5,Coding:3.5,BA/Statistics:4,Big Data/AI:4


本人商科MIS背景,做了快7年的BI报表仪表盘,非常熟悉SQL,但是从未接触过和开发过coding。最复杂的设计做过sql sp,event trigger,ETL SSIS package。LC只刷了100道题就去面试了。没说的,继续刷题,干就完了。

FB DE L5 对应的coding水平:

def words_order(text: str, words: list) -> bool:
word_list = text.split(' ')
contain_list = [x for x in word_list if x in words]

return contain_list == words


题目和我面试时给出的答案,虽然正确 bug free,但是离strong还是有距离,离5级还需要继续努力。FB家DE大部分都是2-3线小厂的SDE或者TOP10名校的硕士。作为2-3线厂的SQL/BI开发和TOP25的硕士,差距还是有的,能拿到面试一路走到VO完全靠之前的7年工作经验弥补不足。

You have a text and a list of words. You need to check if the words in a list appear in the same order as in the given text.

Cases you should expect while solving this challenge:

a word from the list is not in the text - your function should return False;
any word can appear more than once in a text - use only the first one;
two words in the given list are the same - your function should return False;
the condition is case sensitive, which means 'hi' and 'Hi' are two different words;
the text includes only English letters and spaces.
Input: Two arguments. The first one is a given text, the second is a list of words.

Output: A bool.


words_order('hi world im here', ['world', 'here']) == True
words_order('hi world im here', ['here', 'world']) == False


def words_order(text: str, words: list) -> bool:
l = text.split()
dic = {}
for i,n in enumerate(l):
dic[n] = i
s = []
m = -1
for j in range(len(words)):
if words[j] in dic and dic[words[j]] > m :
m = dic[words[j]]
return s == words

assert words_order('hi world im here', ['world', 'here']) == True
assert words_order('hi world im here', ['here', 'world']) == False
assert words_order('hi world im here', ['world']) == True
assert words_order('hi world im here',
['world', 'here', 'hi']) == False
assert words_order('hi world im here',
['world', 'im', 'here']) == True
assert words_order('hi world im here',
['world', 'hi', 'here']) == False
assert words_order('hi world im here', ['world', 'world']) == False
assert words_order('hi world im here',
['country', 'world']) == False
assert words_order('hi world im here', ['wo', 'rld']) == False
assert words_order('', ['world', 'here']) == False
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