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印第安纳大学布明顿分校智能系统工程系郭峰课题组,诚挚邀请多名博士后、博士生加入本课题 组。专业不限,神经科学、生物工程、电子、材料、物理、化学、 生物、医学等相关专业均可考 虑。感兴趣请发详细简历到联系邮箱:[email protected] (对于科研优秀的博士生申请者可以不要求 TOEFL and GRE 成绩).
About Recruiting: The Intelligent Biomedical Systems Group (Dr. Feng Guo’s Website: frankfengguo.weebly.com/ and Google Scholar: scholar.google.com/citations?user=L6lqEq8AAAAJ) in the Department of Intelligent Systems Engineering at Indiana University Bloomington is inviting multiple fully funded positions for Postdoc and PhD students. The postdoc position is available immediately until filled, and the PhD position is available for 2021 spring and 2021 fall. We conduct highly multidisciplinary research at the frontiers of biomedical engineering, neurosciences, and translational medicine specifically BioMEMS, Microfluidics, AI, Machine learning, Electronics, Acoustics, Biomaterials, Biosensors, Tissue Engineering, and Neuroscience. We are developing human brain organoid-on-a-chip technologies for modeling neural diseases, and making intelligent systems for neuromodulation and therapy. We take it as responsibility to train future leaders dedicated to excellence.
We are recruiting exceptional PhD and postdoc candidates with:
1. Passion for innovation and excellence;
2. Ability to collaborate and work in a team;
3. Excellent training in one of the following fields: Neurology, Stem Cell Biology, Tissue engineering, Biosensor & Biodevices, Microfluidics or Biomaterials.
If you are interested in joining us, please send to Dr. Feng Guo (1point3acres.com) your detailed CV (For PhD candidates with excellent research background, we could waive the TOEFL and GRE scores)
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