十个经常被问到的interview questions & 解题思路!Summary from Work it daily!

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10 commonly asked interview questions

Note: Research, Research, Research!

Make sure you have a good understanding of position the you are applying for and make sure all of your answers tie to the main theme — the qualities you should have as a strong candidate for this position to work at this company.

1. Why are you looking to leave your current position?

Honest, but not too personal.

We are trying to selling our services to the employer.

Answer Key:

How taking this job will make you a more skilled professional, have better performance and grow more. State that where you are right now is not allowing you build the skills that you want to grow, the very area that you want to be top notch at.

Therefore, I am here to apply this position, which is a position that can allow me to grow as a professional and achieve better results.

Connect my need to grow as a professional and be more valuable with what the employer need for company to make profit.

Interview is Information Give and Take:
Employment is like a partnership - and think about what to give to the employer and what you can take from this position(benefits, opportunities to grow and salary).

Be cautious about the red flags. Don’t show the employer that you are also the part of the problem and make them think that you leave because you cannot get along with people.

Show that you want to keep growing and adding value in the long term to the company.

2. What do you want to get out of your next job?
A great company culture.

I want to find a company that share the similar value with me. So that I can dedicate myself to the company.


Touch upon the intersection between our passion and our skills. We need to articulate the problem, and the solution that we can bring in, and take this thing out of your plate, so that I can add value to the team.

Connecting back to the job and employer’s need. Relating what we are trying to achieve to their needs, then we will ace the interview.

3. Tell me about your greatest accomplishment on the job.
STAR - How, Why, What after

Experience Learning Grow Model

Recount the experience
Extract the lesson learned
Here’s how I have grown as professions
And even since then, I have sticking with the takeaway and have avoided the similar questions
The interviewer is using this question to examine:

Assessing the personality: open minded vs close minded

Assessing your attitude: adaptability vs Rigid

Assessing your experience level: shallow vs in-depth

;4. Tell me about a difficult situation you encountered at work and how you overcame it.
Showing them the depth of your experience. This is a great moment to show your employer that you are able to bounce back the tough situations. Also share the lesson learned.

Experience Learn Grow Model

Don’t talk about the difficult person, but to share about a difficult situation.

Wrong data? Last minute added task? Technology broke? It’s all about our process of figuring out the situations.

Showing them your thought process, this is how you handle things.

Don’t criticizing your past manager, don’t criticizing your past manager, don’t criticize your past manager.

5. I was to ask a co-worker about you, how would they describe you on-the-job?

We should answer: I actually went to my co-workers and asked about those questions. “What is my strength? How can I serve you better?”

This question is testing about the self awareness and whether we have the intellectual humility to accept feedbacks.

Reinforce the answer with how we took the feedbacks and apply them in our work.

6. Tell me about a time when you needed to work with a difficult person, how you handle it?

Be able to understand and identify what’s going on with that person, be sure to show that you can handle the situations, figure out a solutions and work along with people. Show the manager that we have tolerance and we can get along with people who have different personalities.

Employer don’t have the time to handle the high maintenance individuals.

You can also share that you ask your co-workers this question: How can I be a better team mates and how can I to get it betters?

7. ;if you were given a task to complete in an unrealistic time frame, what would you do?

It’s all about communicating.

Answer Key:

I will approach my manager and say the following: ⬇️

I am having trouble to wrapping my head around how to complete each steps of the project to for it to be down in that time frame.

Can we sit down and talk through to the all the tasks that I think need to be done in order for us to achieve it. Also would you mind if we go through the estimated time to achieve it, because may be I am missing some details or wrongly estimated the time needed for some tasks. Many be we can cut out some steps or maybe we are over thinking it here. Can we work through this together?

May be my manager or myself don’t have all the information, maybe I am misinterpreting the task. So before I started to have tons of assumptions and get emotional, I should sit down and ask for clarification.

It always come down to communication and the process of doing things. Maybe actually we have dealt with this question before. We can think back and then recount the similar scenarios that we were able to handle it and formulate the processes that we solve the problem.

Personality type:

Commander, energizer: go right in and say it can not be done.

empathizer, and contemplate: suck it up, stressing out, angry, but the boss has no idea that it can be done.

We should take the ownership of communication processes to get everybody on the same page.

8. What is the biggest mistake you made on your job and how did you handle it?

Experience Learn Grow Model

What exactly happened? What mistakes you made, and what you have learned from that? Have a process approach to handle it and show that you own your mistakes.

DO not answer the questions like a victim. Tell a story that with happy ending, and ease the concern of the interviewer. The goal is to ease the concerns.

It is about the delivery. With the eye contacts, body languages. Think about how can we own the situation, and how could we have done better, what could be different if I can do it one more time.

Are you a person who can’t move on from your past failure or you can actually learn from your mistakes.

9. What do you feel makes you stressful in your current role? Share an example to support your success.

Experience Learn Grow Model

How self-aware you are.

What is the think that unique to you and allow you to create value at job. What do I do that I save/ make money for the company?

Successful - > pay for ourselves: bring the income to the company that paid off our wages.

For a project manager, it could be: End on time and maintain the project under budget.

Share the proof, the methodology, justify for the hire.

Add depth to the answer: why do you find satisfaction of doing the job itself. Showing that you are dedicated to the job and finishing it. Driving home your values.

10. What do you think is a company good to work for? What do you like about your current company? What could be better?

Shows the candidates value on a company. What make a company worth to brag for? This is the opportunity for us to articulate why this job is more than just a paycheck, why this is a company that I am proud to be part of. If I work at a company with a shared value, then I will be the best employee because I will be very committed to this and feel proud to work here.

Don’t focus on benefit and perks.

Think about why the company exists and starts, what is the company’s missions and visions for its product and service. A company that Builds long standing relationship with customers and deliver quality services. A company will serve the market in the long term and lost long.

希望用Charisma来结束这篇文章。就像前面提到的,行为问题考的很多是我们的性格,处事方式,和思考过程。希望我们都能在回答面试问题过程中成为people who have strong Charisma.

Charisma is a collection of traits and behaviors that make you appeal to other people. The word comes from the Greek word "charis," which means "grace" or "gift."

A person who is charismatic is exceptionally engaging, likeable, trustworthy, and, in many cases, a bit "magical." Larger-than-life personalities like Marilyn Monroe, Martin Luther King, Jr., Oprah Winfrey, and Sir Richard Branson have all been known for their charismatic personalities.

People with charisma are assertive, confident, inspiring, and warm. They make a point of listening to others, and they have an innate grace that often stops people in their tracks.

As such, it's great to be charismatic in business, even if you are not in a leadership role. When you have charisma, people want to work with you. They're drawn to your ideas, they trust your opinion, and they're more likely to be influenced by you.
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