h1b prevailing wage 后续诉讼的最新进展

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我在昨晚 (2020.10.13)在线观看了移民律师Greg Siskind (大家可以在Twitter上关注他,我也是在那里知道的他昨晚的直播)在Facebook做了一小时的直播,主题就是这次DOL疯长prevailing 工资标准以及专业是否对口这个事情。
直播中greg说,与他所知,包括他们律所在内的三个团体最近就要发起诉讼。他们(全美移民律师协会AILA) 将会聚焦在 healthare industry 和education/university 这两个领域。另外,ITServe 和 US Chamber of Commerce分别会代表计算机/高科技公司 (另一个忘记了)。

对于时间线,greg说他们律所会在这个周四或者周五正式file the case. 最好,最快的结果就是法官无需正式开庭就issue 一个临时限制令在暂停这个工资线(temporary restriction order,TRO), if granted, would be issued in a few weeks. Otherwise, prelim injunction would be late November at the earliest.


So ITServe, US Chamber of Commerce, and AILA team (Suskind, etc.) - each of the three team is filing a suit challenging the H1-B wage hike. The ask is for the wage hike rule to be stricken down for ALL occupations. It is possible that the judge will limit the preliminary injunction to just the plaintiffs, but the litigation is going to follow a proven model arguing it should apply across the board (beyond the plaintiffs). ||| Suskind (AILA) team will ask for emergency TRO on the wage hike rule, which would not require a hearing for judge to issue the emergency TRO, BUT that is not guaranteed.


补充内容 (2020-10-18 02:38):

在昨天下午(周五)ITSERV已经正式针对DOL 的prevailing wage规定发起了诉讼。

在Twitter上面移民律师Greg Siskind说他们律所在下周一10月19日也会正式提起诉讼。

另一个移民律师 Charles Kuck在twitter上回复网友问题, 说他认为10-21 天之内会有TRO。


补充内容 (2020-10-21 04:28):
群里伙伴们应该在其他帖子里也看到了 这周一已经有几组律师事务所分别在不同地区正式起诉了。

补充内容 (2020-10-22 00:36):
大家好。上一条补充里面提到的群里面朋友的帖子 链接如下,更新的还很及时。感谢这位朋友。期待TRO尽快issue。 instant.1point3acres.cn

补充内容 (2020-10-29 03:02):
大家下午好。现在是美国中午时间周三2020.10.28下午。 刚刚Twitter上面 移民律师greg siskand发推

New - The injunction hearing for the DOL Purdue case is set for 11/13, but on one of the issues, the judge can rule based on the documents already filed so it is possible we’ll get a ruling before that date. It’s a ruling on the lack of notice and comment count.

补充内容 (2020-12-2 07:43):
各位好。现在是12月1日傍晚。大家可能已经听说了, 今天下午美国商会起诉DHS关于h1b的案子判决下来了。结果很好。代理律师Paul Hughs在他twitter上通知的大家。另外代理Purdue vs DOL的Greg Siskind律师会在今晚七点他律所的Facebook直播中解读这事。

另外下面是另一个律师的解读Aaron Reichlin Melnick

Today's ruling blocks the two new regulations entirely, as if they were never put into place (although the government may appeal). So the rules will no longer apply to anyone.

Other courts may issue similar decisions, such as in the Purdue case, which would also block the rules.

补充内容 (2020-12-4 12:19):
刚刚看到的消息, 劳工部将根据之前北加州法官的判决, 于12月3日中午12点左右更新prevailingwage的数据库, 恢复到10月七日之前的标准。

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