
Pleased to report that our case against the Labor Department - Purdue University v. Scalia - was just filed in the DC District Court. This case challenged the crazy wage rule and we make the case that it was illegally rolled out and a disaster for innovation and health care.

The TRO motion will be filed tomorrow. We are asking the rule to be set aside, DOL to go back to the system in existence up until 10/7 and to require DOL to reissue wage determinations made over the last week and a half.

Other plaintiffs include the U. of Michigan, U. of Denver, Indiana U., Study Mississippi (most of the major Mississippi schools), Scripps College, Bard College, Arizona State, Northern Arizona U, Chapman U, the Intl Institute of New England,

Physicians for American Healthcare Access, Dentists for America, the Information Technology Council, Marana Health Center, United Methodist Homes, and Hodges Bonded Warehouse

没理解错的话 那个 TRO motion是要求法官立即暂停 10/8新政策. 所以是否会立刻暂停 得看这周晚点时候了.

Temporary restraining orders (TRO) : short-term pre-trial temporary injunctions.

给搬运工点个赞呗或者来点小米呗。~~ 嘿嘿



补充内容 (2020-10-19 19:35):
第三起诉讼 也来了:
represent the US Chamber, NAM, Bay Area Council, NRF, Presidents' Alliance, AAIHR, Caltech, Cornell, Stanford, USC, University of Rochester, University of Utah, and Arup Labs

补充内容 (2020-10-19 19:36):
第三起诉讼 链接:

补充内容 (2020-10-19 19:39):
第一起诉讼上周五是在NJ, 第二起今天在DC, 第三起今天在CA. 都是深蓝州,所以大概率会很快被block.

补充内容 (2020-10-20 09:39):
最新消息: 国务院准备 限制/取消 H1B转B1签证. 目前来看包括COS和境外签

补充内容 (2020-10-20 13:00):
AILA上诉的法官确定了: Emmet Sullivan

补充内容 (2020-10-20 15:41):
We drew a great judge. Stay tuned for the TRO. 【所以这个法官大概率会block】

补充内容 (2020-10-22 15:19):
这几天好像没有看到 TRO的更新. 不知道是不是因为什么原因耽误了. 搞快点...

补充内容 (2020-10-24 04:24):


补充内容 (2020-10-27 09:04):
上周五在CA上诉的U.S. Chamber也提交了 preliminary injunction, 但是根据律师的推特,法官在11月23日才开始听证.

补充内容 (2020-10-28 19:21):
AILA在DC上诉DOL的案子在 11.13会对TRO进行听证会. 之前US Chamber是对 DOL & DHS进行上诉,他们的听证是11.23.

补充内容 (2020-10-30 13:36):
今天的新闻: DOL 使用旧的经济研究结果 作为他们新政策的支持证据. 被律师们曝光.

补充内容 (2020-11-6 14:49):
AILA的 DOL的案子将于下周五 11/13进行听证会.

补充内容 (2020-11-10 19:53):
Judge Sullivan's cancelled Friday's hearing in Purdue v Scalia, our DOL wage case. We're getting a decision before Friday 11/13.

补充内容 (2020-11-17 13:53):
For those waiting on the Purdue decision (the DOL wage case), the likely reason for the delay is another case was filed that was consolidated with ours & a brief in that case was submitted Friday

补充内容 (2020-12-1 16:19):
加州的案子 DHS & DOL restrictions on H-1B被法官给blocked了!!
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