Purdue University(普渡大学) CS PhD multiple opening - Yongle Zhang

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大家好,我将于2021年加入Purdue University Computer Science Department,诚招全奖博士生,先提前感谢大家的attention。下面是我的招生广告:

美国Purdue University(普渡大学)计算机系Yongle Zhang招收系统软件(systems)、分布式系统(distributed systems)方向的全奖博士生,2021年秋季入学。

1. 招生类型


2. 学校

Purdue University Computer Science Department is the first computer science department in the United States. Purdue University Computer Science Department ranks 10th in software systems in the U.S. according to csrankings (csrankings.org) and 20th in general computer science according to USNews 2021 (usnews.com).

3. 导师简介

Yongle Zhang is an incoming tenure-track assistant professor in the Computer Science Department at Purdue University. He is currently a final-year Ph.D. at University of Toronto, advised by Prof. Ding Yuan.

His research interest is in systems software with a focus on improving the reliability and availability of complex, real-world systems. In particular, the group is currently working on cutting-edge tools that help developers with failure detection and diagnosis in production cloud systems, as well as design and implementation of diagnosable software systems.

His works have been published in top systems conferences including OSDI and SOSP, deployed in top tech companies, and covered by academic media such as The Morning Paper. He has been invited to give talks at top universities and research institutes worldwide including University of Michigan, Yale University, Peking University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Institute of Computing Technologies, etc.

4. 教授信息

Yongle Zhang

5. 申请方式

在Purdue University计算机网站上面申请(cs.purdue.edu)并提及导师的名字,将简历、本科/研究生成绩单发送至导师邮箱(1point3acres.com)。

6. 招生要求

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