加州大学UC Santa Cruz计算机科学与工程系王鑫教授招生

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王鑫是UCSC计算机科学与工程系的终身制助理教授,领导组建了UCSC Embodiment, Reasoning, Intelligence, and Communication (ERIC) Lab。他在浙江大学和UCSB分别取得学士和博士学位。他的研究兴趣包括自然语言处理,计算机视觉和机器学习,尤其是研究打造能与人类用自然语言交流在现实世界中完成各种任务的智能机器人。他曾在谷歌人工智能研究院,Facebook人工智能研究院,微软研究院,和Adobe研究院工作,并与工业界建立了广泛的合作关系。

王鑫正在或者曾经担任 NLP顶级会议NAACL和EMNLP的领域主席,AI顶会IJCAI的高级程序委员,EMNLP和AAAI的分会主席。他在ACL,CVPR,ICCV等顶会组织过多次workshop和tutorial,内容包括视觉和语言,自然语言处理的自监督学习等。他曾获得CVPR 2019的最佳学生论文奖项。


UC Santa Cruz is one of America's Public Ivy universities and a member of the prestigious Association of American Universities (AAU). Times Higher Education rated UC Santa Cruz 3rd in the world for research influence (with a citation score of 99.9), tied with Stanford University. UCSC PhD graduates who chose to join academia have taken tenure-track positions at top schools such as UC Berkeley, UC San Diego, MIT, JHU, UNC, WUSTL. UCSC CS is ranked No. 43 (next to Yale, Boston, Brown, JHU, etc.) on csrankings.org, the most objective CS rankings based on top conference publications. UCSC CSE is rising very rapidly, for instance, four new faculty (including me) are joining UCSC CSE in this academic year (we are still expanding!!!). The department has many leading researchers in the broad area of AI, data science, and systems: Lise Getoor, Marilyn Walker, Manfred Warmuth, Darral Long, Yi Zhang, James Davis, Roberto Manduchi, Luca de Alfaro, Chen Qian, Yang Liu, Cihang Xie, Peter Alvaro, ... just to name a few.

Location wise, UCSC's proximity to Silicon Valley (around 30-min driving) and satellite campus there, make industrial collaborations, startups, exchange of ideas, and internships very easy. UCSC has one of the most beautiful and unique campuses in the world and perfect weather year-round. Santa Cruz is also a wonderful place for outdoor activities such as hiking, surfing, diving, kayaking, and golfing.
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