Help you jump on your gaming career

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I am very interested in gaming industry, and I really like C++ programming.

Recently, I knew a friend on Linkedin, and he had worked as a game developer for 5 years and he is currently working on Windows 8 games.

He is very friendly, and he provided me some information for people who wants to work in gaming industry.

One great source of information is job postings. Look around, see what game studios are looking for. I can tell you right off the bat that the one thing they look for most is commitment. Keep in mind that gaming industry programmers tend to work long hours, lots of crunch time, and they get paid less then say business, web or embedded engineers, so unless you really want to do this, you will burn out really quickly.

You should figure out which game portion you want to work on. You will have to know all areas to some extent, but one of them will become your main.

Engine - physics implemented in code, collision handling, catching controller events from system, sounds, storage, etc
Game - AI, gameplay rules, importing assets, handling events, restoring/saving game from/to save data,
Graphics - models, textures, shaders, camera, Model View Projection matrix, sorting, OpenGL, DirectX
Tool - XML, CSV, serialization, GUI, C#
UI - bunch of scripting here, usually done with C# or Actionscript or XML, then you need to write an importer so your game can draw it, also need a standalone cross-platform GUI creator with previewer

Also, research cross platform engines. Unity is widely used (C#) and free to download. QT knowledge in your case is a big plus. There are others. Xamarin for example has recently been advertised everywhere. I believe Unreal Engine (C++) has a free download as well, but a lot of companies have skipped it in the past because it used to be expensive.
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