PhD Openings in CS at Rutgers University (PL, FM, ML)

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We are looking for ~2 motivated Ph.D. students to join the RU Automated Reasoning group!
Please drop me an email (he.zhu.cs AT with your CV if you are interested. Application deadline is Jan. 1st. 2021 for Ph.D. students.

Our research is under the broad umbrella of automated reasoning, formal methods, and programming languages. Our current interest lies at the intersection of deep learning and symbolic (program) reasoning. We are investigating how to make deep learning systems, especially deep reinforcement learning systems, more data-efficient, reliable, and trustworthy by applying formal program reasoning techniques (verification & synthesis). The long-term research goal is to build intelligent and explainable neural-symbolic systems that allow the tight integration of deep learning and symbolic reasoning and that can be formally certified correct and reliable.

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