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[align="left"]题目:people would be happier if they had fewer possessions[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]正文:[/align][align="left"]Today, moreand more people think if they have more possessions, they would be happier. Itis true that if one people have more possessions, he could do what he wants andbuy what he want. However, I still think people would be happier if they hadfewer possessions, because the people could do better in the communication,achievement and healthy. I think if the people had fewerpossessions, they could communication with other people better. If people couldhave more money, they would only focus their attention on the money.Consequence, if people more rich, he would have fewer friends. That makes thinkone of my past friends. I have a very good friend when I in the college, wealmost talk and share everything. However, after we graduated from the college.Only three years, he made a lot of money. After he become rich, he almost takeor share anything with me or others. I think if he had not made such money, westill the good friend which would communicate and share everything.
Additionally, people wouldachievement more goals if they have fewer possessions. When someone becomesrich, the only thing he wants is that making more and more money. I think nomatter how good the man is, he could not achieve more. That make me think aboutthe tao yuanming, tao yuanming is the best poet in the china history. After heabandon everything and become a farmer, he wrote a lot of great poem. I thinkif tao yuanming did not abandon everything, he would not write such great poem.
Finally, although people could buybetter healthy service if he had more money, I still think people would healthierif he had fewer possessions. The reason is that people have to work because hedoesn't have enough money, and he would have a healthy body. He also need notconsider many things like the rich man. Therefore, he could live longer. Thatmake me think about the li ming. Li ming is a only 38 years old man, verysuccessful and rich. He has his own company. But he died in the 38 years old,because he always sit on the chair all day and consider many things in hisheart. I think if li ming is a poor man, he would live longer.
According the above analysis, Ithink the people would be happier if they had fewer possessions. Because ifthey had fewer possessions, they would be communication better, achieve moregoals and more healthy.