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Unfortunately we are unable to disclose any information regarding the status of your additional administrative process. The additional administrative process is based on individual circumstances and therefore cannot be compared with other applicants regardless of nationality, visa class or through what US consular section the applicant is applying from.

The consular section does not provide any phone services, but you may at any time check the status of your application through the following website, ceac.state.gov (even if the ‘status updated date’ might not seem to change, the process is ongoing continuously. The date will be updated once there is any substantial change of status of the application).

Any applicant might inquire about the status of an ongoing application subject to additional administrative process pending for more than 60 days. Your case is still pending, but is continuously ongoing. If we have any further questions necessary to proceed with the administrative process, we will contact you.

You will find more information regarding the administrative process here, travel.state.gov

Non-Immigrant Visa Unit

补充内容 (2013-8-16 03:47):
看到additional administrative processing我就给跪了