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申请的一所学校(EECS) 12.15 ddl,当时就差最后一封推荐信,我是12.1左右联系prof的,他很爽快答应了,后来我催了prof好几次,他硬是不回我,然后申请的学校在12.22提醒我:

“This email is being sent as a reminder regarding missing letter(s) of recommendation. The Admission Review Committee has noted that we are missing Letter(s) of Recommendation for your application. Our graduate admission review is starting and these letters are an important part of your application as they present a better understanding of the applicant and their accomplishments.
Please understand due to time constraints only letters uploaded to your application will be considered in this review process. I strongly urge you to have these letters uploaded to your application before January 1, 2021.”

再之后我圣诞节前催了一次,没回我,圣诞节不好意思催嘛,圣诞节后又厚着脸皮催了一次,又不回,现在眼看着1.1 就到了,我不知道在节日期间催会不会造成不好的影响(强推变差推?),说实话我也没有其它可以替代的prof,这个是我ms的一位project老师。其实我的主要两封推荐信已经齐了,这份就算是个凑数的吧,但是如果给强推的话肯定帮助不小(他的课a,project也做得很棒),求给点建议!

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