牛津金融 MFE

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完成了Oxford的MFE Kira 面试, 4个问题,准备时间1分钟,实际说话90秒。
1. 问题1都是关于我自己的
Tell us something that will improve your chance of being accepted
2. 问题2是关于时事的
describe a recent event that you think will impact the financial markets in the next 10 years
3. 第三个问题都是关于自己的failure的,考察解决冲突的能力
please tell me about a time when you find that you found yourself overburdened with competing and incompatible priorities in your academic and non-academic acativities. What did you do about it and looking back, would you do the same thing again?
please tell me about a time when you worked in a team environment where you found you had no or littel respect for the team leader. what approach did you take and how did your teammates respond?

以下是我收集到的面经,可以看出虽然题目不一样,但是答案可以完全用一样的。可能除了第二题有点technical需要随机应变 其他可以好好准备
1. Tell me something that makes you exceptional.
2. One thing that you think should be on the front page of the news.
3. A non-academic failure. If you can go back in time, would you do that again?
4. Difficulties in communication in the setting of team work.How did you do?

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