多次陶瓷(写Research Proposal)之后老师不满意如何挽回?

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之前11月底联系了一个英国的老师申请stat PhD, 之前几次聊得还算不错,但是修改了几次research proposal之后老师回信很不满意。

Dear XXX,

Many thanks. Some comments for you again.

1. There is something not quite right with your citations in the research proposal. You often say: "(Smith, 2000) shows" instead of "Smith (2000) shows".

2. I don’t know how else I can say this, but your writing style seems very "detached" to me, as if you were casually throwing some ideas on the desk for the reader, rather than giving the impression of an engaged, informed, passionate research proposal. I am not sure whether or how this can be changed - but I am always wary of these sorts of casual, "cool" research proposals. See e.g.: "Thus, we expect to extend the method proposed in (XXX, 2020) to high dimensional settings by aggregating test statistics and provide a nearly optimal theoretical guarantees on its XXX." How? Why? Is it interesting? What is it going to give us? What is the importance of this? Challenge? Does the world need this piece of research? Etc...

3. I can still see the Bayesian stuff featuring quite prominently in topic 3, but I understand your change.

4. So do you essentially only want to study A? I don't have a single paper on this topic..!! (这里的之前和老师面试的时候谈了一个可以将他之前的一个结果拓展到A的设定下,但是老师没有A方面的文章)

I wanted to ask you if you were also applying to other places, or to XXX only? I do think you should also consider other places.

Best wishes,

感觉基本上是没有戏了,但是我目前还没有拿到任何一个offer,欧洲这边可以申请的也不算多,所以还是想一下还有没有机会申请或者被其他的老师捡起来。他们这边录取也是committee打分制的,而且听他们的talk说的research proposal 的问题和真正想要做的问题不需要是一个,只要能写出好的proposal就可以了。请问一下这种情况下我应该如何回复呢。
Dear XXX,

Thank you!

Your CV reads much better now.
Good to see that the XXX project does not appear in the proposal – but I do think the proposal may look stronger to my colleagues if it had three projects instead of two. Is there a third project you would be able to think of, for inclusion in the proposal?
Your statement reads a bit better, but may still seem somewhat ‘detached’ to some people. What is your *real* motivation for wanting to do a PhD? Are you a curious, passionate young researcher?

Best wishes,

目前我打算按照他说的再改一改,然后argue一下我写题目A是之前谈过的问题与A相关,然后就读了很多相关paper的想出来问题就写上去了,真正phd要做的不一定是这个。再问一下有没有必要继续提交申请了。感觉花了太多时间在这上面应该move on了。

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